21 - Everything Changes

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"Ugh this is the worst."

Nobara and I are sitting at a café in the city after hitting up the McDonalds hungover as all hell. Nothing seemed good at the school, so strong coffee and greasy junk food it is, we'll have to bring some back for the others. God knows Yuji will need it.

"I haven't felt this shitty in forever, maybe we should take a pause on drinking for a while." I say rubbing my head.

"Hey so I was thinking, why don't we talk to Principle Yaga about getting you in the training class with us! You've been here for long enough and I doubt they've found anyway for you to get back sooo why not!" Nobara exclaims.

"Yeah you know that sounds like a good idea! Plus I'm doing pretty good in my classes now, so I think I'll be decent at least!"

"You'll do great, plus Gojo is the instructor for that class so you know you'll be paying attention hmm?" She teases at me like some old lady.

"Oh stop! Oh, speak of the devil he's calling me." I say putting my coffee down.

"Are you going to answer it?"

I stare at my ringing phone as it continues to vibrate in my hand before shutting it off completely. "Hmm, no. He'll be fine."

After we talked for about an hour more, we picked up some food for the guys and got an Uber back to the school. It was a nice chilly day as it's now November, I think about what I'd be doing if I was still in my world.

Probably still working like a dog at that shit job.

"Hey open up, we got something for you." Nobara yells at the dorm room.

Yuji opens his door and he is in the ROUGHEST shape I think I've ever seen. His face has two huge bruises and a small cut above his brow as well as bruising on his chest and hands.

"Thanks guys... it's been a rough morning..." He says so pitifully that it breaks my heart. Enough to pull him in for a hug, the poor kid looks like a kicked puppy.

"Oh Yuji we tried to stop you, well those two did more so then I. Here, eat something."

Megumi showed up a little later and we all hung out smushed on Yuji's bed watching reality tv and talking about last night for what felt like hours until we suddenly heard a loud banging at the door.

"What the hell..." Yuji mumbles as he slowly gets up to open the door, "Oh hey sensei what's going on!"

Gojo pushes past Yuji and walks right in with his eyes dead set on me. "You can't answer the phone now?"

"Huh? No I shut it off earlier, why what's going on?" I say taken aback.

He looks around the room at all of us, his look almost somber when he stops back on me. "Let's talk outside."

"No, whatever needs to be said you can say it in front of them."

"Yeah I mean we're all gonna find out anyways, right?" Nobara says, crawling next to me on the bed.

He sighs. "Y/n, the higher ups have informed me that they now view you as a threat to our school and society and will not let you live freely with us anymore." He deadpans.

"Wait wha-"

"A threat? How is she a threat when she doesn't even do anything besides go to classes and hangs out with us?" Yuji yells instantly.

"You guys won't even let her take the training courses either so it's not like she can go out causing any real trouble?" Megumi exclaims as he stands up.

"Listen, it's about the world jumping. They've found some things out about your situation and it ties into another person who had this ability years ago. This is their way of keeping the school and this universe safe in the case y/n would decide to turn against us." Gojo says trying to settle everyone down.

"Turn against you and do fucking what exactly? I don't even know how I got here in the first place!" I yell back.

"I don't agree with this either, this is just what they told me this morning. Apparently they're also not happy with you coming and going when I was supposed to be with you keeping an eye out."

As the other voice their concerns with him I kept quiet and lost in thought, they think I'm a threat? That this is an ability I can control?

That's far from the truth.

"Wait a second, you said I can't live freely here anymore, what's going to happen to me?" I ask.

He looks dead in my eyes with all seriousness. "Imprisonment... with possible execution."

"What the fuck!" I could barely tell who it came from since everyone started yelling their complaints.

For me, it was like the air had been stolen from my lungs, nothing seemed real or maybe everything felt... too real. I felt Nobara's grip on my arm tighten as she tried to say something to me, but it sounded like she was underwater.


"Y/n snap out of it!"

I blinked a few times to see Megumi and Yuji in front of me, both with worry carved into their faces.

"Y/n listen honey it's going to be okay, we'll figure this out. No one's getting executed I mean that's ridiculous." Nobara says softly trying to comfort me.

This cannot be happening, I can't breathe.

"Y/n, we need to go, I need to get you out of here." Gojo says urgently as he grabs my hand, pulling me up and towards the door.

"Wait I just-"

I feel someone hug me from behind, "It'll be okay, we got you. We won't let them take you from us, I promise." Yuji says softly. I felt Megumi and Nobara come up and the four of us were holding on for dear life to one another, like it was the last time we'd see each other.

I love them so much.

"Come on, we need to go." Gojo says quietly as he pulls on me again.

"Sensei, call us if you need us to help." Megumi states.

"Already planned on it." He says.

I get on last look at my friends until I'm forced to turn around and keep up with Gojo's long strides to what seemed like my dorm.

"I need to you pack the necessities, nothing you don't need." He says quickly. Pulling me into my room I do exactly what he says. Like the time I ran off before, I already have experience packing what I need quickly.

"Gojo what is happening?" I stop to take a breath even though I'm almost to a full blown panic now.

"I'm taking you to my off campus apartment, I'm going to keep you hidden and safe until I can figure out how to deal with this." Taking a step towards me he cups my face with his hand. "I won't let them take you from me."

There's so much raw emotion in his gaze that is takes my breath away. I'm still freaking the fuck out, yes, but with him here I feel like nothing can get me.

He's the strongest, he's got me.


Alright, we're kicking up the heat with this story. Don't forget to vote and/or comment <3

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