20 - Yuji's lost it

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This will be more of a lighthearted shorter filler chapter :)

I never took Yuji to be such a sloppy drunk.

"Y/N!! Come here watch me take this man DOWN!" Yuji yells from somewhere in the living room as I step off the stairs.

"Down? Down where?" I yell back as I walk past a small crowd of people to see Megumi, Nobara and Gojo at an opening where Yuji and some jacked dude wearing a pirate costume are getting ready to fight. Yujis already bloodied and is now wearing only his orange pants as he hops back and forth in anticipation.

"Oh you know where, down to poundtown, like that song goes!" He gives a childish grin.

"You idiot that's a different poundtown! Ugh he's been fighting anyone who'll take his dumbass up, and anytime Megumi or I tries to stop him, he just runs away like a child. I'm so OVER this kid." Nobara says obviously irritated.

"Just how much has he had to drink? Also you guys are shit cops." I joke as I look around the room, trying to not notice Gojo standing next to me.

After what just happened? I can't even look at him without my face burning.

"Y/n, we have no idea. We got caught up in another foosball game and when we found him he was... like this," Megumi says as he gestures to Yuji who is now in a shit-talking contest with this guy. "Also, you two weren't actually supposed act like criminals tonight, so don't blame us missy."

Did Megumi just call me missy...?

"You can't beat me, I'm the best! My friends tell me so eveeery-daaay." Yuji childishly taunts.

"Great now he's making shit up. Sensei, go do something about him please." Nobara whines.

"Alright Yuji that's enough, let's go now." Gojo yells out, hands casually in pockets.

"Gojo sensei... no."

There was a collective gasp that came from the three of us as Gojo just continued to stand there with a small grin. "Yuji, let's go."

"Awe you're going to let your big bro tell you what to do huh? Go on little boy, run scared." The pirate guy taunts to a now visibly angry Yuji.

"Sensei, I'm not going anywhere until I kick everyone's ass in here!" What the hell is this kid on?

Instantly the two start throwing punches as both are running on pure adrenaline. Yuji takes a decent hit to the jaw as the pirate guy gets the upper hand, but not until Yuji comes up with a 'left right goodnight' combo and knocks his opponent clean out.

"Oh my god Yuji that's enough, your face is all busted!" I yell at him as blood drops down his face to his chest.

"Oh no y/n it's okay, it doesn't even hurt!" He says cheerfully even though his left eye starts to swell.

This kid.

"So, not leaving until you kick everyone's ass in here huh?" Megumi says as he approaches next to him.

"Well I didn't mean you guys..."

"Oh I think he did. Yuji, you're not leaving until you can beat me." Gojo states, no amusement to be found.

The look on Yujis face is priceless because it's a mix of shock and confusion, you can clearly tell he's weighing his options in that head of his. The alcohol must make him brave, because suddenly he stands up straight and pushes his chest out. "Yeah okay, I'll beat you sensei!"

One second he's rushing Gojo and the next he's on the ground and all Gojo did was give him a flick to the forehead.

"What did you do, is he dead?" Nobara exclaims.

"Relax I just knocked him out, he'll be alright," he says with a grin. "Let's all go home since that's outta the way." He says as he throws Yuji over his shoulder effortlessly and heads for the door with Megumi in tow.

"Wow he really is strong..." I mumble to myself.

"Alright girly, what the hell happened up there!" Nobara squeals as she grabs onto my arm.

"Oh my god Nobara, you are not going to believe this."

The few minutes it took for us to walk from the house to the car Gojo drove over I had managed to speed-tell her just about everything, leaving her completely shocked we both giggled like schoolgirls as we clung onto each other.

It's so nice to have a best friend.

With Gojo driving and Megumi in passenger, we both sat in the back with Yuji passed out between us as we drove back to the school, mostly silent save for the few jokes Nobara would whisper trying her damn hardest to embarrass me. Of course, it worked.

Finally after getting back to my dorm, I peeled off my costume and threw on the first shorts and tee shirt I could find. Collapsing in my bed it wasn't long until I was about to asleep, somehow there wasn't a single thought that went through my mind for once. I just felt peace, undeniable peace.

Until I heard my phone go off.

Groaning, I reached over to check it as I squinted from the bright light.

"Oh you've got to be joking." I say under my breath.

Dumbass ;(

I thought I said to keep that between us pretty girl.


This chapter was shorter and kinda rushed (sorry!) but I just needed to fill this part in, see you in the next one! :)

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