15 - The start to healing

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Y/n pov.

   Things are finally getting back to somewhat normal. Since retuning back about 3 weeks ago I've been on an absolute roll with my studies and training. The day after I returned, I talked with Yuji and Megumi about everything seeing as they obviously wanted to know, and since then it feel like all of ours friendship has grown stronger, even Megumi has been coming around
more with me.

I did however, have a long conversation with Yaga that turned into a slight scolding about how reckless and dangerous what I did was and that he also agreed to have me supervised as much as possible.

He later told me it came from a fatherly place seeing as how he just wanted to keep me safe from both people and curses seeing as how I'm apparently not the best fighter, which he also is making sure we fix that.

At first, it seemed a lot to have everyone react this way, but I guess it does make sense. It's just... weird, embarrassing, awkward? I don't know anymore.

Sitting at my desk in my room I go over some homework that was assigned for next next week, feeling the slight breeze come through the window I let open. Halloween is right around the corner and I physically can't wait.

Physically. Cannot. Wait. I'm a slut for all things spooky. Except of course, too scary of movies.

I've been working with Shoko on my trauma and how to at least cope with it for now in a healthy way. She's been so helpful and understanding, I've been able to open up to her like I've never been able to and it feels nice to be able to get it out. It hurts, a lot, but it's getting to be manageable.

Since then, I've dedicated a journal to write about my memories, both good and bad so I don't repress them so easily again. I just got done with my latest entry about my mom before she married David.

October 28th,

Another entry again!!
I remember before mom married asshole David that we went for a walk down our dirt road on a hot summer day, when it was just the two of us tucked back in the woods that her and my dad built before I was born. I remember picking up every cool rock I saw and showing her and her pretending to be superrr interested in every single one. She'd smile down at me with her brown hair falling loose from her ponytail and tell me how beautiful each rock was, but not as beautiful as her babygirl. I loved her so much, I hope after this life is all over that I can finally see her again, I have so much to say.

It's hard to write these sometimes, but I've managed somehow.

"Hey are you ready for dinner?"

I whip my head to my door to see Gojo just waltzed into my room without even knocking.

I'm going to kill him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? What is I was completely naked?" I shout at him.

"Oh... well... I guess I'd, see you naked then?" He says faking an innocent smile. This fucking guy.

I throw a notebook at him, "you pervert get out!"

"I'm teasing jeez. Come on now I'm starving, let's go out tonight, on me!"

"Pff, like I'd pay for myself anyway." I throw back.

Since I am under supervision still, Gojo is constantly glued to my side. Originally he said it'd only be when I left school grounds but somehow that turned into him bombarding on every free minute I seem to have when he's not teaching nor me in classes.

It's kinda nice having someone around but sometimes he can get really overbearing, he'll get into these super hyper obnoxious moods when it seems like I'm feeling like a dark rain cloud and it tends to not go well.

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