26 - Emotionless

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5 months later.

  "So, miss y/n. How are we feeling today?"


The blonde therapist nods slightly. "We do this every session lately, I can't help you if you don't open up."

"What's the point, you people don't believe me anyways." I dryly say.

"Miss y/n, what you experienced was very traumatic and you were missing for a while, all we want to do is help you move on, so you can get back to your life. You've been doing so good."

"I did have a life."

"We've been over this, y/n. What you say you experienced was all in your head. After suffering an injury to the head like you did during your accident, it's easy to imagine stuff and in your case, a whole new life in order to cope while you were wondering aimlessly." She says sympathetically.

"Wondering aimlessly huh... you guys never elaborate on that. I was gone for months just... walking?" I question as I pick at the leather couch I'm sitting on.

"You'll get back your memories in time. Now, I'm going to raise the dosage of two of your medications until we get back to making progress again. I'll see you next time miss y/n." She says and beams a fake smile at me.

Higher doses... cool.

As I leave my therapists office, I notice how beautiful it is outside. The warm spring breeze mixed in with the birds chirping in the background, it's truly beautiful out. Except, I don't feel anything.

With all of those medications they have me on, they've dimmed my ability to feel much. Apparently they were to help my depression, anxiety, delusions and whatever else... and I suppose they work because I don't process emotions properly I guess.

No bad no good, just blank. Most days I feel like a zombie, just going to work and coming home only to do nothing. I'm like a real life npc.

I know at one point I wasn't like this, maybe when I was younger or maybe when I was in that other world. Except, that was all in my head. Or was it?

I get in my car and drive home with no music. Hearing my phone ring, I see the name, reach for it and answer.


"Ah miss y/n, how are we feeling today?"

"Good, thanks." I say.

"That's good! Anyways, we wanted to have you come in to the facility tomorrow so we can have a chat. Nothing too bad, I swear!" The man's voice responds.

"Sure, I can do that."

"Awesome, see you at noon!" With that the phone clicks as I pull into my new apartment complex.

The Human Protection Society, or HPO have been helping me regain my foot back into society, when I showed back up the police ended up turning me over to them since they...

Actually I don't know why they did.

They did however, put me in my new apartment, got me a therapist through their facility and got me a job with them as an assistant for one of the 4 CEOs.

They've been generous, yes, but they also keep me doped up on these medications.

The man who called me was one of the main founders of HPO, Richard Stein and he frequently checks up on me. I feel mostly to just keep tabs on my whereabouts and mental status, but he does a good job at acting like the concerned boss.

Stepping into my apartment I let out a heavy sigh. It feels like a mental uphill battle with my own mind, constantly trying to discern fact from fiction when it comes to what happened all those months ago.

I've been told that what I experienced was nothing more then my mind shielding me from trauma by making stuff up. I fought them a lot on it in the beginning, but now I'm not so sure...

Going to another world, an anime at that? It seemed crazy when I said it out loud and the more and more they told me I was wrong, I started to believe them.

Still, when I try and recall certain situations I feel my memory is jaded but my body reacts differently, sometimes with extreme joy or sometimes a racing heart and my stomach tightening.

It's hard, and I'm tired. Tired of holding out hope.

Shower, eat, clean and bed. The same things I've done everyday since I've been allowed to live on my own again and I really haven't had the motivation or will to do anything else.

Sometimes I have dreams about him, that white haired man... but I try not to think too much and I definitely don't let my therapist know. It could, of course just be side effects of the meds.

I pull myself under the covers and let myself succumb to sleep, wondering how it got this way and what dreams the night will have for me tonight.

"Ah miss y/n! So very good to see you!" Richard beams at me as I step into his light filled office.

"Yes, good to see you too sir." I say taking the seat in front of his desk.

"So, I called you in here because I wanted to talk about some concerns your therapist had. She says you've started to slip back a bit?"

He stares at me with concern in his dark eyes as he props his chin on his hand, but for some reason I've never fully trusted the guy.

"I don't think I'm slipping back." I state.

He sighs, "Listen I know making progress after trauma is hard, but we can't undo all of our hard work we've made with you these past few months, okay? Basically where I'm getting at is, will we be needing to take you back to stay at our facility?" He says with all seriousness.

My eyes widen as I feel myself frantically shake my head. "No sir that won't be necessary. I'm okay I swear, I just got a little confused is all." My freedom lies with this man.

"Tsk, alright well if you say kiddo! Anyways go and enjoy your day off, we'll see you bright and early tomorrow okay!" He beams again and I feel myself getting whiplash from his mood swings.

Mood swings... that sounds familiar.

"Thank you sir, see you tomorrow."

I step into the elevator feeling numb. They had me virtually locked up in the hospital part of their facility for my mental health and psychological issues. I was able to leave fairly early due to my compliance and progress, so I need to make sure I stay focused.

Standing up straight, I steel myself to make this final decision for myself.

Completely forget about that world, and the people in it.

Walking to the parking lot I feel my phone ring from an unknown caller.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Y/n, y/n is that you?"

I know that voice.


So for any confusion, the heavy medication she's been on and the therapists messing with her mind she's kind of forgotten what happened in the JJK world since she also has been told she was just imagining it.

I'm really liking where I'm at with this, so if you are too please don't forget to vote/comment!

See you in the next chapter <3


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