5 - Knight in shining armor

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(TW! this chapter has increased swearing, physical violence and attempted assault)


Oh wow, I love life right now.

We are currently on our 5th cocktail and have been dancing what seems like nonstop for hours now. I've danced with random guys and girls feeling like each one is my absolute best friend, I feel like I love everyone here. It's so euphoric underneath the lasers with the bass crawling its way into my bones, grinding with and against other people whose mind has also been numbed from the alcohol. I feel so...alive in a way I haven't felt in a long time.

"There's my y/n." Nobara drags as she makes her was over to me and gives me a sweaty hug.

Actually, that might be from all the spilled drinks.

"Hey honeeey." I give her the biggest hug back.

"Well, are you happy you crash landed here from some other far away world or somethin?" She slurs slightly and laughs.

"Hah! If ever. This is waaaay better than being stuck in that crappy office all day."

"Yeah, fuck crappy offices! I think I need some water or whatever... want one?"

"Yeah sure I could use one. I'm running to the bathroom real fast!" I half-shout as we both part ways to other sides of the club.

The more I walk the more I feel myself swaying taking jagged steps with not a care in the world on who I'm running into. I go down the long dim hallway to the women's room which now that I'm looking at it, this is the weirdest way to set up a bathroom at a club.

I start to feel a little unsettled, almost as if someone's watching me as I step inside. You're just drunk stop overreacting.

Finishing up in the bathroom I check myself out in the mirror. Though my cheeks are slightly red from the alcohol and my skin is glistening with sweat, I still feel like I look absolutely amazing and no one can tell me otherwise. I step out of the bathroom absolutely feeling myself when that same strong feeling comes back again of someone watching me. I turn around looking down the rest of the hall and see nothing but the red exit door. Sighing, I turn back around when I come face to face with one of the guys I vaguely remember dancing with earlier.

He's tall with long brown hair tied up in a bun, wearing a white short sleeve button down that seems to be a two sizes too small and regular dark jeans. He's attractive I suppose, just not exactly my type.

My type aren't guys who look like douchbags.

"Oh wow you startled me... ha ha... is uh everything okay man?" I manage to get out feeling incredibly anxious all of a sudden.

"What's wrong baby, you're acting like we're strangers all of a sudden. I came to get you, remember we danced earlier?" He slurs condescendingly as he steps closer to me. "Come on, let's go back to my place."

The hell is this guy on?

"The fuck are you talking about? I danced with a lot of people tonight asshole, that doesn't mean I'm going anywhere with you." I spit out.

Without waiting for a response, I try to dart past him but he grabs a hold of me and leans down to my ear,  "you sure about that sweetheart?"

Before I can even think I feel myself get thrown over his shoulder as he bolts out the exit door to the near pitch black alley that runs behind the club, of course.

He throws me off his shoulder and slams me against the brick wall, pinning me by my arms causing me to be unable to move. "Relax babygirl, I just wanted to have a little bit of fun is all. I thought you liked me back in there?" He slurs as the smell of his sour breath threatens me to hurl.

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