Hospital visit

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Which one of you drew this on me? - JW

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Which one of you drew this on me? - JW

It wasn't me - Rosie

Are you sure it's not Graham? - SH

Graham? - JW

You know, the Detective Inspector - SH

It's Greg and it wasn't him - JW

Are you sure? - SH

Yes, I saw him write "Get Well Soon". So, it has to be one of you two - JW

Well, it's not me - Rosie

Sherlock, you seem to be passing a bit too much blame for someone who is innocent - JW

Alright, you got me. I did it but in my defence it was kind of funny - SH

Sherlock! - JW

I'm sorry if I upset you - SH

Thank you - JW

I don't know why you're upset though. It's not like it's true to size or I would have left you ages ago - SH

Sherlock! - JW

What? I was joking - SH

Good - JW

About the leaving you ages ago part - SH

Sherlock! - JW

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