Angst (Part 1)

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Includes swearing and mention of life being better if someone wasn't alive.
~ Rhys <3

Fuck you, Sherlock, and your incredibly soft brown hair - JW

What the fuck did I do? - SH

You don't even know, that's the worse part of all this - JW

Just tell me, John. How I am suppose to know not to do it next time if I don't know what's upsetting you? - SH

There won't be a next time. We're done, Sherlock. I don't want to see you ever again - JW

Is this about earlier? Don't act mad, you know you love the thrill of the chase - SH

Not when he kidnapped Rosie - JW

We got her back - SH

She's a child. She shouldn't have to deal with that shit, just because her father is an irresponsible parent. You know what, I wish you had fallen off that building for real because my life would have been so much better without you here - JW

And you mean that? - SH

Yes! - JW

So, you're just going to take Rosie and leave me here alone? - SH

If that would keep Rosie safe, then yes - JW

Where will you even go? - SH

I don't know, just somewhere away from here. I can't live with my sister so I'll probably just live near where Mary lived, there's an apartment that has a vacancy - JW

Oh yeah, 'cause living there went so well for you last time - SH

Don't you dare bring that up. You had no right to say that - JW

But you wanting me dead for real was okay? - SH

I can't deal with you right now. I'm leaving with Rosie whether you like it or not - JW

And Sherlock - JW

Yes? - SH

Please don't come anywhere near us - JW

Alright then. Goodbye, my dear Watson - SH

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