Christmas shopping

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Where you going? - SH

Out - JW

Why? - SH

Thought I'd do some Christmas shopping - JW

Can I come with you? - SH

You want to come with me? - JW

Yes - SH

And you won't moan about it? - JW

You know I can't make promises I won't keep - SH

Close enough. You can come - JW

Yes! - SH

Get your coat on then, we're leaving - SH

[30 minutes later]

John, I'm lost - SH

Where are you? - JW

In Smyths. Where are you? - SH

In boots - JW

Why are you in boots? - SH

Rosie wanted some makeup for Christmas - JW

Why are you in Smyths? You're on a completely different street - JW

Because that's where we last were - SH

Just meet me in Boots - JW

John, I told you, I am lost. I don't know where Boots is from where I am - SH

Fine, just stay where you are and I'll meet you there - JW

Remind me to never go Christmas shopping with you again - SH

You're the one who wanted to go with me - JW

Whatever 🙄 - SH

I love you too - JW

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