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Where are we going? - MH

It's a surprise - GL

You know I hate surprises - MH

Do you trust me? - GL

Of course, I do, my love - MH

Then you will be patient and you'll soon find out where we're going - GL

Fine - MH

Stop trying to deduce where we're going! - GL

Fine! - MH

Stop pouting like a kid, you're worse than Sherlock - GL

It's not my fault. You brought me to the dentist and I hate the dentist - MH

You can get a prize if you go in - GL

I'm not a child, Gregory - MH

The prize is a kiss - GL

But I kiss you all the time - MH

Fine! You can do whatever you want to me for the next 4 hours, starting from when we leave the dentist - GL

Deal? - GL

Deal - MH

I love you - GL

I love you too - MH

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