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I'm just coming home now, babe - JW

Why are you getting back so late? Did you have to get kept behind because I'll go in and tell then not to next time? - SH

No, it's not that - JW

Then what is it? - SH

I went to the gym after work. I remember going in highschool when I used to act all big and hard but it actually helped me with my emotions - JW

You know you can talk to me to help you through your emotions. I'm sorry for not realising that they were impacting you so much - SH

It's okay and, anyway, I just mean my emotions as in making me happier in general - JW

I'm glad it makes you happy. Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy - SH

That reminds me. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with me but I knew you would have said no - JW

You could have asked. Maybe I would have wanted to go with you - SH

Do you want to go to the gym with me next time? - JW

Do I actually have to workout or can I just watch you get all hot and sweaty? - SH

You'd have to actually do it with me - JW

Then I'll pass - SH

Come on. It'll be fun! - JW

Don't make us become one of those "cute" Instagram couples that do everything together - SH

Don't you like to get all cute and sappy with me? - JW

That's not what I meant. There's a difference between being cute and sappy with each other and being an "Instagram couple" - SH

What's the difference? - JW

How about a movie, whilst we cuddle under a blanket until we fall asleep in each other's arms? - SH

That is quite cute and sappy, Mr Watson-Holmes but I was thinking something more a long the lines of a crime documentary, whilst we cuddle under the blanket until we fall asleep in each other's arms - JW

Really? You want to watch one with me? - SH

Of course. I know how happy they make you. Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy - JW

I love you so much, my handsome blogger - SH

I love you so much too, my clever detective - JW

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