Chapter 15

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Izukus POV:

After the guy had left the cell I glared at the bowl of water. He told me if I would decide to join I should just shout and they'd come with a much water as I wanted, but I didn't answer.
I had just stared at him until he left. Then I countinued staring at the wall making plans. All I had to do wait for the pros to arrive, that I was sure Aizawa had called. Because for once, they would do so, soon. A few days, maybe a week. Then they'd come and get me out of here. At least I told myself that.

But did I even want that? Even tough I wasn't angry anymore, that did not mean I fancied them. But what kind of choice did I have?
Hitoshi won't come and free me, seeing he is the one that put me here in the first place.

My mother?
My father?
My siblings?
I could have hundredths and not even realise.

Days blurred into nights and those into days again. At least I supposed they did.

The room had no windows and my feeling of time was getting blurry as the water had started to run out.
I had tried sleep and ignore the bowl of water I just couldn't sleep. The thirst was nagging at me too much. All I did was lay at the bottom of the floor and stare at the bowl. When I couldn't stand that anymore I started talking. About the last fifteen years, what I liked about Shinsou, what I didn't. How I lost him. I pretended he had died, because it let my image of him, my only friend, untouched.

But after I while my throat got so sore and even more dry so I stopped that.
Then I just leaned at the wall.
After something that could have been hours as well as days or weeks, I fell into some kind state between sleeping and being awake again.
I saw pictures. Recent ones, as well as some that were long ago. But they were happy ones, so I dived into them, enjoying the soft, foggy feeling.

After a while I saw him again. I saw him often lately, but now his image was more clear, realer.
He pet my hair and rose some kind of fluid to my mouth, but I didn't want to drink. I just didn't care about it anymore.
All I cared about were those amethyst eyes that seemed blurrier than usual.
In them I saw an expression I couldn't quite sort.
Then I drifted away into cold but also soft darkness again.

I heard his voice tough, his and some others. They visited the room quite often, talking about villains and heroes, dark and light and the league.
But I didn't listen to them.
I only listened when he was talking. Shinsou.
He mostly talked to them giving them orders, but sometimes he' d also talk to me. Pet my hair. And ask me to drink the fluid. Again and again. I wasn't sure why it was so important to him.

But I had finally realised what the expression in his eyes meant.
It was desperation.
And so I drank.

Day after day they would visit and give me the fluid, but it was never enough to calm my thirst. First I hadn't cared, but when the first drop of fluid touched my dry lips, my thirst reawakened and I emptied the fluid to its last drop.

After a while I had started regaining my consciousness, first the voices started to get louder, then the blurriness of my sight slowly lightened, then the foggy feeling faded.

Why I kept saying fluid? Because it was wasn't usual water, it had some kind of chemical mixed to it, making it smell like bleach and taste like a bitter medicine.

After a while I could get up again and the wound had started to continue healing.
I could get up easily again, but whenever they'd enter, I'd pretend to still be foggy.
I had waited and waited, but now I finally had a plan.
I heard the door make the familiar creeping sound when opening.
"Well, there we you are. How come you're still here? Oh, I must have forgot!
You must be missing that...?"
The guy grinned as he pulled out a key and threw it in his hand up and down until it finally dropped to the floor.
Huh. That guy was new. I hadn't seen him before. Bet it seemed that his quirk was something with ice, seeing I could still feel coldness being in the other side of the room.

But that wouldn't change the plan very much: I just had to catch him surprised.
He chuckled and leaned down to pick it up, but that was the moment I had waited for.

I jumped up from the bed and rammed my elbow into his chest and I heard a few ribs break as he was thrown against the wall and probably got knocked out immediately.
I didn't waste time checking.
I speed out of the open door, took a right, then a left, then a right again. On the way I had seen the short boy with red hair and the portal guy, but I hid in the shadows and they passed without seeing me.

There! I could already see the exit.
I picked up the speed and was about to reach the door when I ran into someone.
Hard. I heard a muffled surprised groan from the person I had run into and two arms grabbing my arms, holding me in place.
My eyes focused and I realised who I had run into. Shinsou. No. Not right now. I was so close!

I was about to try and find a way to break free, when the boy caught me by surprise and let go of me.
That was... surprising..?

He seemed to fight with himself and I could see him struggle to keep up his ice mask, as he pushed me into the direction of the exit.
„Run Izuku. And run fast. Hurry."
I still stood there and stared at him blankly.
He gave me a gentle push to the door again.
„See it as a last service of our friendship."
„Didn't you say that was all just for the show?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.
He grinned a crooked grin but I could see the battle in his eyes „Maybe not all of it."
„Now run."

And I ran.

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