Chapter 2

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Izuku POV:

After what happend, me and Toshi became soon became real friends, we were at the same orphanage, but never noticed each other because teenagers and kids were separated from each other and with my twelve years, I was still a kid. Since what happend with Mom I really hated hero's. I don't even remember why I liked them so much. They are just a fake bunch of people hungry for money. A Fassade to entertain and to keep the people satisfied, nothing more. But that doesn't mean that I gave up my dream of being a TRUE hero and rescue people who can't do it themselves. A few weeks ago the UA exams started and I tried to get in, but they said that as a quirkless boy, I would be eaten alive as soon as I would get near any known villiain.

Nobody wanted me just because of the fact I am quirkless! And that made me make a decision. I don't need a licence to be a to help people, if they don't let me be a hero legally, well, then I have to do it illegal! I decided to be a vigilante. It was a hard choice, I finally had a friend here, but that won't hold me back. I planned it I planned it already a few weeks ago, stuff I need to pack, food and where I would go and now I was finally finished. Today I wanted to escape this prison of people not beliving in me. First, so I decided, I wanted to go to my Mom's old house, luckily, It wasn't sold yet and I knew where Mom hid a extra pair of keys, if she would looses the other ones. Mom. I miss her. And Toshi. I will miss him too. At first I didn't want to tell him what I was about to do, but I think he deserves the truth.

I walked downstairs to the cafeteria to get some breakfast, when I heard two boys talking. ,,Hey bro! Did you hear the news about Allmight? He saved barely twenty people from getting burned by that blue - flame villain! He's so cool!" ,,You're totally right Bro! I will be a hero just like him when I'm all grown up!" I stopped, my  anger welled up  and my mouth begun to taste like ash. Ugh. I hate those fake hero's what only doing it for fame! Where were those bastards when my Mom was attacked by those villains? And where were when I was ready to jump?! "I am here"... what a trash... I breathed heavily and some people were staring at me. I took a deep breath and moved on to the cafeteria.

When I came to the place where Toshi and me normally sit, he was already there and looked at the old phone he bought a while ago. I slammed my tray in front of him at the table, but he didn't even look up. Still looking at his phone he asked: ,,What happend Zu?" I wasn't even surprised that he knew that it was me, when I asked him one time, he answered he learned it in the past and I didn't question it. I only knew that he hadn't a easy childhood and that it had something to do with his quirk. He came here three years before me, that was when he was eight. It was like an unspoken rule between us: He don't asks me about my past and I don't ask about his. ,,I hate those fake hero's!" ,,I know. I don't like them either, but what do you want to do? Become an vigilante and fight alone against all the Injustices in this world?" He said It with an knowing tone in his voice and I froze. How the hell does he know?! I glared at him. He finally looked up and I saw a little bit of Amusement in his sad amethyst eyes, but I also saw the disappointment that I didn't tell him, the only friend I had, what I was going to do. ,,You really thought you could go, without telling me? I'm not THAT stupid." He thinks THAT?! I jumped up in horror ,,No! It's not like THAT, I was going to tell you today and-" ,,Spare it." Toshi stopped me. ,,Toshi I am really I sorry! I would never-" ,,Let me finish. I am going with you anyways." My eyes became big like basketballs. ,,R-Really?! B-But it's dangerous!"

Now Toshi really smiled. ,,I know. And that's why I would never let my little broccoli boi do that alone." Then he stood up to, walked a few steps to me and wrapped his arms around me. I froze and my cheeks became warm, but after a few seconds I hugged him back and snuggled into his chest. He smelled like coffe and cinnamon and I felt I save and warm inside.

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