Chapter 8

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I flinched and looked up, in front of me stood a tall man with long black hair and dark eyes, his black clothes were wet from rain, but same as me he didn't seem to care about it. It took me a few seconds to answer ,,Yeah I am fine, thanks for asking." I flinched at my own voice, hell, I sounded like I ate a full sheet of sandpaper! The man didn't look very convinced too, he raised an eyebrow ,,You are shaking." Oh. Didn't notice that. I blinked at the man and the man sighed : ,,Listen kid, if you are staying longer in the rain you are gonna get a cold. You should go home and warm up." Home? A bitter smile slipped over my lips, and I had the weird urge to laugh. ,,Kid?" ,,Mhm?" ,,I know it's a weird question, but... do you have a home? Or at least a place to stay?" Why does he care?   ,,Well..." I let my gaze wander, should I tell him? I don't even know him and- 

,,I conclude from your silence, that you don't." I flinched again and focused back on him ,,I- not really... So... at least not a place I want to go back to...." The black haired man seemed to understand, he just nodded ,,Do you want to stay at my place for some time and warm up?" Warming up sounds great but, I don't know this man, he could be a kidnapper or something... Well, I have weapons, so I could eventually defend myself, but I am cold, hungry and weak, so a fight would probably didn't end for me so well... the man must have seen my doubt and sighed ,,Look, Kid. I am not going to hurt you, but if you're staying out here you're gonna get sick, and I am sure my husband doesn't care about staying with us for a while." 

I still wasn't sure about this, but I guess everything was better then just sitting there and staring into the nowhere, so I slowly nodded. ,,If I am really not a bother to you, then I would be happy to." The man nodded and held out his hand to me, I took it and got up. ,,I am Shota Aizawa. You can call me Shota, since everyone is doing it anyway" ,,Izuku Midoriya.", the man nodded and lifted a corner of his mouth, what probably should be something like a smile ,,Well then Izuku, my house is just around the corner, we'll be there soon.", he told me and begun to disappear in the darkness, quickly I followed the mysterious man.

Soon we reached a nice two floor high building, it was painted in a steel grey and surround from a large garden, that  in sunlight surely was a pretty sight but now just looked like a swamp. The man went over to the white massive door and rang the bell next to it, the speaker turned on and a much to loud voice sounded ,,Hello! Who's there?" ,,It's me Hizashi, just open the door." A few seconds after the door opened and revealed a tall man, his hair reached to his shoulder, and his green eyes sparkled curious. ,,Who did you brought, Sho? A guest?" ,,I found him on the old playground around the corner, he has no place to go right now, and I tought he could stay with us for a while." ,,Oh you poor soul!", the blonde shouted delighted ,,Of course you can stay with us! Come in, I get you a hot chocolate and something dry to wear, come in!" 

A few minutes later I already sat in the big kitchen, wore dry clothes and drank some of the hot chocolate blonde man gave me. The mentioned sat now next to the man in black at opposite of me at the kitchen table and stared at me curiously. ,,Soooo.... what's you name little listener? And what happened to you? Do you live at an orphanage? Do you have any family? Is anyone taking care of you or do you live alone? Do you-", he started bombinating me with questions, but got interrupted by Shota, who hit him with his elbow in his left side. ,,Excuse my husband, he's been to curious lately.", he excused. I sighed and tried a smile ,,No, it's fine, my, name's Izuku, and I lived at an orphanage, but ran away some time ago. About my family... I would prefer not to talk about it, if it's alright." ,,Of course.", Shota answered, before his husband could say anything. ,,But...", Hizashi began, ,,If you ran away, where did you sleep all this time? And why can't you go back there?" 

Shit. This This question got me cold. What should I say? I lived in a small apartment with my best friend, but because he got kidnapped  I can't go back there. I don't think they would understand, so I just answered: ,,I slept in a old, uninhabited  building at the edge of the city, but because the original owner decided to sell it, some new people decided to live there, and I couldn't stay there." Well that wasn't really a lie, my Moms house was really old, for some time uninhabited and now there really lived some new people.. I saw pity in the two mans eyes. ,,You can stay here as long as you want, little listener. We have a guest room you could sleep in, and I am sure Eri wouldn't mind if you stay with us." Eri? Who's that? The blonde man must had seen the question on my face, cause he explained ,,Eri is our adopted little daughter, she stays at a friends house tonight, but tomorrow I will interduce you to each other! I am sure you both will understand each other very well!" ,,That would be very nice!", I smiled. 

After that we just talked for a while, they showed me the room I could stay in for tonight. After they left I turned out the lights and laid down on the I bed, it was medium sized and had a yellow, fluffy and really comfortable  blanket, but I just couldn't sleep, to many thoughts where keeping me awake. I wish I could have saved him...  I begun to cry and buried face into the pillow to suffocate the noises, maybe it would be for the better if I would suffocate myself too... Just giving up... Not having to worry anymore about anything... just falling... No! I ain't giving up yet! Not that I've got so far!

I sat straight up in my bed, how could I even think of that?! Shin needs me, he has no use of my death! Frantically I tried pushing those thoughts out of my head, but the more I tried, the more they got stuck in my brain. In panic I started scratching my arm, trying to give my head something else to focus on.

After a while the pain inside of me became duller, the thoughts quieter. Only after minutes feeling like hours, I now noticed the burning pain in my arm and the red liquid slowly staining the fresh clothes red. I yelped, stopped my hand and stared. I just stared. The wound I made was not that small. it was pretty big actually, like a cat decided to choose me as its new sharpener for its claws. It horrified me and I started shaking. Why would I do that? Toshi would be ashamed if he saw that... No, not this again!

Ignoring the burning pain I got up and looked for my old clothing. It laid in the corner of the room, carelessly thrown anyway and since it was ripped up and bloody anyways, one more missing piece wouldn't make the change. I sighed as I ripped of a clean piece and wrapped up my arm with it. I should be careful this doesn't happen again, I can't afford to mess up my life more then it already is...

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