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There're many people in this world 7,8 Billions to be exact.
For most of them, I'm just one of millions, a person that they saw randomly, nobody to remember.
Only a few people know my true story and when you reading this lines, then gratulations, you'll soon will one of them!
It all started the day when I met HIM...

Hi, I am Izuku Midoriya, and this I is my story.

Izuku POV:

beep... beep... bee-

I smashed the black plastic alarm clock wich just ripped me out of my dreams against the white wall covered in all might posters and merch, moaned and hid my face in the freshly washed, white pillow.
I got this torture machine "cheap" in that a one-dollar-store.
The joke on all of this was that it cost 1,30.

Groaning I pulled my blanket, which was also superhero themed, up to my eyes to rest for just a few seconds more.
I pulled my knees up to my chest and rolled myself up in a ball, slowly I starting to drift away to the relaxing darkness again.

How did it even survive that?

After I got dressed I walked downstairs to my Mom which sat stood by the kitchen counter preparing her stuff for work.
My  mother greeted me when I entered the room "Good morning Izuku Sweetie! I hope you slept well?", she smiled.
,,I slept fine Mom, thanks for asking! How about you?"
"Just fine, thank you for asking."
"Here's your lunch Izuku , have a nice day and please, be careful!", she said and gave me my red plastic lunchbox.
,,Thanks Mom, I will!", I answered and took it, then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
,,See you later Mom, love you!" I said,  put on my red shoes and grabbed my yellow bag, then I got out, shut the door behind me and waved to mom one last time, which watched me trough the window and returned the gesture.

I raised my nose in the wind, smelling the slight breeze which blew the ticking smell of dandelions trough the lands.
This was going to be a good day!

Soon I reached the old, painted in a steel grey building. Weirdly enough the backyard was empty, not a single scholar was present and not even trough the transparent windows I could get a glance at any persons. Did I miss something? Do we have a trip today?  If I overthink it I am sure I forgot something...
My toughs started to go wild and I started to mutter until it hit me.
How could I forgot about something this important?! We have no lessons because today because it was the anniversary of queen Elisabeth, the queen of England! (Please just pretend this is a legit reason to cancel school in Japan. If you've got better ideas please comment them) Embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing! With a red face I walked home. Hopefully nobody saw me or I guess the other kids would have one reason more to bully me!

I stood  in front of the door and rang the bell, of course I had the keys, but I think It's nicer to ring before coming in, but still,  nobody answered. Weird.
She was probably already at work or doing some grocery shopping.
After I got in and shut the door behind me, I took off my red shoes which where already worn out and dirty and neatly sat my yellow bag in the corner.
For a while I just stood in the middle of the room and taught about what to do.

I decided for a short nap since I didn't get a really good sleep this night, went up my room and let myself fall into the soft pillows of my bed.
I was asleep sooner then my head had touched the pillows.

When I woke up later that day, I checked the clock and realised that more then three hours went by, my body really have must been tired.
Still sleepy I dragged myself downstairs in the expectation to see my mother, but the house was exempt myself still completely empty. Weird.
Normally she's home at this time and prepares lunch or something like that and the grocery shopping usually didn't last that long...
To distract me, I turned on the radio to listen to some music, but right now only the news where running on this channel.
Because I was interested I decided to listen.

,,Once again a villain attack happened in the normally safe streets of japan.
A unknown small group of villains killed nine people without showing any pattern in picking their victims, sadly they could escape trough a portal which one of the members of his "gang" opened for them!
Nine?! And without any pattern?! That doesn't sound  reasonable! Why would they do that?!  The names of his victims where: Sou Takahashi, Kiyo Takahashi, Yori Suzuki, Kohana Watanabe, Makoto Kobayashi and Inko Midoriya! Please call us if you knew any of the names told!"

Inko Midoriya. Inko Midoriya? Inko Midoriya?!
The name replayed in my head over and over again but my mind wasn't able to accept it, denied to accept it.
Heat waves and chills made my body shiver violent and sweat wet my shirt as if my body couln't pick between burning up and freezing to death.
My chest hurt as if someone stabbed a knife into it and the room around me was spinning.
I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

First written: 21.01.2022
Rewritten: 11.07.2022

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