Chapter 9

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I woke up from the morning sun shining into my puffy eyes, making them hurt abnormally. Moaning I took the pillow and pressed on my face not willing to get up and start another day in this cruel world. Just as I was About to doze off again someone opened the door and it make an awful creaking sound that hurt my ears, instantly I was ripped out of my half sleep and was awake again. As i lifted my head from the pillow and my eyes  got used to the brightness again, I saw a Little Girl, maybe around seven years standing directly in front of me, staring Right into my eyes.

I jerked back and tried to stand up in the same second, which didn't result as planned in an elegant from-laying-to-standing jump but an pretty clumsy roll of the bed and I landed on my butt. Ouch." I-I am sorry mister, I didn't mean to wake you up, I just was curious about who you are! I am so sorry!", the Girl apologized nonstop which just made my headache worse and I raised my Hand to shut the noise up "listen, it's fine, there is no Need to apologize. I didn't even get hurt." Well, that was a lie, but if she kept apologizing I would just get rude, and since I was a guest here, that wouldn't be the best Scenario.

I got up and rubbed my hurting butt, then I stretched my Hand out my hand out to her "My name is Izuku, but just call me Deku. You must be Eri?", I asked curious and eyed the child with unique white hair and red eyes. As soon as I said the girls name, she nodded excited "Yes I am! I live here with my two fathers since they freed me from a really, like, really bad guy! Did they adopt you too? Are you my brother now?!" With every sentence she spoke her voice became more and more high pitched and I raised my hands in defense, laughing a bit nervous "Right now I am just a guest and even tough they told me I could stay as long as I want, I dont think your parents want to adopt me."

"But I heard them arguing last night if they where going to ask you if you want to stay with us! Like, until you have your own house! Did dad win the argument to just buy another kitten? Oh, no But Papa said that you have no place to stay, so you basically have to live with us!" They met me just one day ago and already want to adopt me? Do I really look that miserable.?

After I convinced the little girl that they didnt ask me yet and that I would love to be her brother we both went over to her room, well, to be exact she took my arm and pulled me there, and she showed me some of her favorite plushies. We played for a bit until we both where called down for breakfast. As we reached the kitchen Shouta and the other man who lived with him, Hizashi, as far as I remembered, already at the table and the black haired man read the news paper whilst the blonde was drinking some coffee, the green eyed mans hair this time bond into a messy bun.

I was about to open my mouth and greet them to get their attention when Eri already shouted" Dad, Papa, can we adopt him?! I always wanted an older brother and that he showed up only a year after you adopted me, is a sign of fate!" The heads of both man snapped in our direction and a kind of awkward silence filled the room for a few seconds. My head red as a tomato I just looked from Eri to her parents and back without really knowing what to say. The man with the green eyes was the first to speak" If he wants to, we can adopt him- "And a kitten." "but it is not our choice and we cant just take him-"" And a kitten". Shouta interrupted him again" Shouta!"" Fine". The man took a deep breath "As I was saying. If we are adopting him, we have to official register it and I am not sure if the little listener wants that since he has lived unnoticed from everyone for so long."

My body stiffed and I looked down, uncomfortable stepping from one foot to another. "I would love to stay with you guys, but I need to help a friend first, I knew him since we were kids and", tears started walling up in my eyes, but I blinked them away and after a few breaths I continued talking "shortly ago he got kidnapped by some villainous gang we tried to capture for a long time."

As I looked up again, Hizashi just looked filled with pity, whilst the man with the black eyes looked lost in thoughts. After a while he spoke up" Am I wrong or did you work as a vigilante, kid?" H-how did he?! Since there was no sense in denying it I just nodded" Yes, yes I was". "Wait, how did you know that Sho?!", the mans boyfriend shouted in between, we both ignored him. "We will help you free him, not only it our duty as professional heroes, but because we want to help you. The official adoption of you and the kitten can wait until we've got him back."

I felt stupid, I didn't know that those two where heroes, but now it seemed to make sense, I mean, why else would they be at an old playground so late in the night? Should I still stay with them? Yes, they where heroes, yes they didn't save me when I needed them, but they were so nice to me, so different than I expected them to be was I unfair to judge them for not being there for me when they didn't even know I existed? Probably.

You know, when I was younger, I hated them with all my heart for not being there for me, for not caring. But when I ran away, grew up, I had to fight villains, gangs and even wanted murders and slowly started to realize that it was dangerous and you had to make decisions, do sacrifices, and most importantly, that you couldnt always be there for everyone in need.

"Thank you. That means very much to me, under this circumstances I would love to be a part of your family."

I smiled and bowed down, maybe I would regret this one day, but right now it felt like the only right thing to do and if there is even the slightest chance that they can help me get Shin back, then I will take the risk gratefully.

"Will we now adopt the kitten?" "Shouta!"

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