Chapter 57

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Reva's pov

"Because it's going to be rough"

He said ripping his shirt off from my body and thank God I wore bra underneath because of the transparency level of the shirt.

"Really" I asked with raised eyebrows and he pin my hands at the both side of my heads.

I know somewhere provoking him isn't a good idea but still I want to because I want to know where it'll end.

"Are you smirking? "

He asked and i blink my eyes to be focused.

"Yes because I know whatever you'll do, you will do it with a touch of vanilla. "

I said looking straight into his eyes and his features harden a bit.

"You really want it hard, don't you"

He asked caressing my lips sensually with his thumb and index finger.

"I'm not wrong, your type is vanilla"

I said and he chuckle before pecking my lips lovingly.

"Ok then, say vanilla if it's get too much"

he said getting up from me and i gulp looking at his face.

(Looks like plan successful)

"Stand up and go to the other side of table"

he ordered looking at me indicating towards the big glass table situated at the centre of the drawing area.

"What" I frown in confusion. Wasn't he supposed to do something wild after our conversation.

"Right now"

He said looking at me as if challenging me to deny his words.

So looking at the situation and his looks which were enough to make me feel different sensations, I decided to obey him.

I stand up and took little step to the other side of the table while he adjust himself on the sofa in authority.

"Tie your hairs up"

He ordered as I looked at him from the other side of the table.

"what are you.... "

"Did I ask you to speak"

He warned looking at me while opening the buttons of his shirt and don't why his voice suddenly came out extra deep.

As I tied my hairs in a bun he remove his shirt completely making me drool over his upper body.


He shouldn't wear shirts or t-shirts around me.

I unknowingly clenched my thighs looking at him with racing heart beat.

Fuck! I'm turned on.


What...Strip, sTrip did he said strippppp

(Yes...Reva, it means get naked.)

STFU I know that. My eyes was ready to came out from the sockets at the realisation.

"Don't make me repeat my words, precious"

He said in a sweet dangerous tone and I meekly nodded.

I slowly removed the shirt which was almost ripped and he pore a glass of water.

He narrow his eyes over me making me gulp as I stopped after just removing shirt.

Biting my lower lip due to shyness I next detached my shorts from my body and now I was standing in front of him just in my undergarments. He groan looking at me drinking my image with his eyes.

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