Chapter 3

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Ansh's pov

'precious' is the only word that i can use to describe my jaan.

'She is precious, absolutely precious' and fun fact she doesn't even know it. But it's Ok i know it and I'm going to spoil her. Every inch, every part of her. Because she is mine now.

I'm looking at the sleeping figure of my wife right now and the thought of her being 'mine' brings a smile on my lips. I still can't believe that she is My Wife.

Our marriage may look like an arranged one to everyone but for me it is not. I know my jaan before our marriage, hell i even fell for her at first sight.

Don't think me as a creep. I didn't stalk her. I just saw her eight months ago at her university and after that day she unknowingly made a place in my heart.

Today was such a hectic day and i still have one more place to visit, DHU. I have to visit DHU for a matter of foreign scholarship program that our company is sponsoring.

"Sir we are here" my PA 'Arjav' said. I gave him a nod and we walked towards University with him.

After discussing the whole matter with chancellor and the head of that department,i came out with Arjav from his office. Just then Arjav received a call of his fiance Khushi i assumed after noticing his smile.

And I was right because right after the call he asked me for leave and I say yes . Hearing my response he went to another direction with a wide smile on his face after thanking me.This boy is so in love I thought to myself.

I was walking towards my car when i saw my jaan for the very first time. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her friend. Her hairs was open ,her eyes were looking as she wanted to sleep and her nose was little red.She was looking so beautiful in her simple purple colour's kurti and she was listening to her friend with a bored look.

I walked a little closer just to listen them and (still don't know why? but I'm glad that i do).

I stand behind a tree while pretending to working on my phone so that people around me don't find it funny.

"Why do you turned down garvit's proposal Ree. He is good looking,successful and more over our high school friend"  her friend said.

"I know Manvi he is a good one but i don't want to date someone just for fun. I want to date someone with whom i feel a connection because for me he is going to be my everything, my personal centre of attention. I wanna adore that person. And Garvit is definitely not that person. So forget it" She said.

I don't know why but at that moment i badly wanted to be that person.I wanted to be the one whom she adored,whom she love

Personal centre of her attention.

"And which kind of person do you exactly want Ree to love and adore" her friend asked and my concentration doubled to know her response.

"You know my choice Manvi" she said.

"I know your fantasies Ree but can you explain your taste again" her friend asked  her again while teasing.

She shoot her a glare and said "it's simple Manvi,he just have to respect me, trust me,love me and I am going to the same.

"You are going to adore him Ree but you don't still found him neither planning to find. Her friend teased again and she nodded while smiling.

"Whatever let's just wait for your mr.perfect then and for now let's go or else we are going to be late" her friend said and they stand up.

She smiled at her friend (her smile was so mesmerizing)and starts collecting her files from the table.I watched her till she walked off.

I fell for her that day. That hectic day became the most important day of my life.


A satisfactory smile make it's way to my lips after remembering my very first memory of my jaan. After that day she never left my mind and my heart started beating for her without me knowing.

So when my mother asked me for an arranged marriage i wanted to say no to her but after seeing her picture as my bride to be,i immediately say 'yes'. My parents were also shocked but they were more happy to realised the reason behind my sudden yes.

Never in my wildest dreams i thought that my parents going to choose her as my wife. But when they do i was surprised and happy at the same time.I accept it as our fate,a very blessed fate.

People do a lot of things just get their loved ones and still lost them sometimes. But i am happy that my fate is not cruel as theirs. Because i got my jaan only with the blessings of our parents.

Today when i saw her for the first time at mandap.I forgot to breathe for a moment. She was looking so adorable and perfect as my bride. I didn't talk to her even at our engagement because i was afraid that if she got to know that I already knew her.She may broke this relation and misunderstood me as a creep or stalker.

I was not ready to loose her and I'm never going to be.

Now that she is mine my worries lessened a bit .I let her know the truth later,but i am never going to leave her.

When i came to my room today i saw how nervous she was. She was messing up with her fingers without even knowing. (She was looking so ethereal).She was looking so beautiful in her red attire just like my queen. I wanted to hug her badly but i couldn't. When i kissed her knuckles she became a blushing mess and I smiled after looking my effect on her. It feels so good.

She was so nervous that she even forgot to take her clothes for change. I didn't show her but i was smiling at her antics.

She came out of washroom in her night pajamas with open hairs and blushed cheeks making me go all awe over her cuteness. She was looking so cute and all i wanted to hug her again but i decided to not,because maybe that was not the right time.

Later i assured her about our relationship after sensing her nervousness,i knew that she was uncomfortable.

So i decided to sleep on couch but my heart started jumping  in happiness when she asked me to sleep beside her on the bed. I was so happy with the fact that she trusts me.

When she said that she doesn't feel uncomfortable around me my heart does an another dance of happiness.

When she lay down on bed bedside me i knew she was awake so i asked her to be relaxed and sleep and after sometime she was asleep. I guess she was really tired today same as me. I decided to sleep after sometime because right now i was so busy in admiring my jaan.

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