Chapter 2

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Reva's Pov

Right now I'm sitting in the room of my recent husband (recent husband really reva) ughhhh I'm already confused about what to do and now this conscience of mine.

After all the rituals of the marriage I'm here in Ansh's room waiting for him just like an Indian bride. His room look really classy with the emerald and white walls and some other royal colours at needed places.Huess what! I like it.

He was still outside don't know why?
Don't get me wrong I was just wondering because it's been half an hour.

It's our first night and I'm not ready for anything of course I'm not. I personally don't think he is going to force me or anything because he seems gentleman. We may not talk even a bit but i still have this good strong feeling towards him about this. I know i know it's weird.

Ughh..... My thoughts are killing me and where is he?

Just right then the door of the room open catching my attention and i he entered into the room and my stupid heart start beating rapidly again. He came near me and looked directly into my eyes because i was not wearing my vail. He than give me a soft or i say cutest smile awww! (someone is catching feelings...shut up).


he said and i came out of my trance and replied "h..iii". Why the hell i shutter right now.

"You are looking so gorgeous Reva just like my queen" he said and blush crept into my cheeks.

"You must be tired so go and change then we'll talk" he said I nodded my head and starts walking towards washroom without passing him another look.

"Don't you have to take your clothes with you for change"

he said and I think I embarassed myself enough for today first shuttering and now this. I looked towards him and he gave me a slight smile probably because of my stupid action.

"relax Reva, go and change".  He said I nodded my head once again just what the hell i am doing today this is definitely not the way in which i talk. This man is making me nervous.

After that I took my clothes and change.I took extra time because i also have to remove my makeup and jewellery. When i came out of the washroom he was doing something in his phone after seeing me he put his phone aside and again gave me that smile

Just already stop my heart can not take it .

"Make yourself comfortable,I'll go and change " thats all he said before going to washroom.

After changing he came out of washroom and he was looking so hoo...i mean good even in those clothes like seriously. He sat beside me and asked"are you comfortable now" to which i replied with a little nod


Hearing my response he hold my both hands in his (his hands are so warm) and said

"I know Reva for you everything is new here but don't be nervous just because we have an arranged marriage it doesn't mean i am going to command you or anything. You have equal rights like me and you can do whatever you want. We are going to face every difficulty together ,you are not alone and if i talk about our relationship then we can start of as friends and take another step according to your wish".

and then kissed my knuckles due to which i feel blush crept into my cheeks.

"You know you look so adorable when you blush" he said and i found myself blushing more.

Is he really Ansh Jindal the cold hearted and rude one as everyone describe, because the one in front of me is anything but rude. He seems caring and sweet.

"Where are u going"
I asked coming out of my thoughts when i saw him taking a pillow from the bed and moving towards the giant couch placed at the down centre of his big room.

"I'm going to sleep on the couch"

He and i just stared at him in awe. I mean come on man you don't have to be this good how my heart gonna take it.

"I guess you maybe not comfortable if i sleep on th ..."

"I'm not uncomfortable around you and you can sleep on the bed, it is big enough for both of us" I said after cutting his sentence as he continued explaining his action.

Hearing me he in agreement while smiling slightly and walked towards the left side of the bed to sleep.

I also lay on my side listening the mild heartbeats of my heart.

Today was indeed a tiring day.Not that I'm complaining.  After laying down i turn to my side because i don't wanted to be awkward but let me tell you again and correctly my heart is  beating like a drum.

"Don't think too much jaan (Beloved/ life) , now just relax and sleep" he said.

Jaan...did he just call me jaan , really jaan, his jaan.

Oh my heart!

Now i am not going to turn to his side at any cost  because of two reasons first my cheeks must be red like cherries for sure  and second if i turn now it's going to be awkward as hell. So i just nodded slightly and closed my eyes.

Sleep engulfed me when i was thinking about him. He is so sweet and caring but does he loves me? Of course not.

I may not wanted this marriage first because i was afraid of getting trapped in a loveless marriage. I gave him a chance just because i feel a connection but does he feel the same or he was just going to take this relationship as a responsibility.

With all these thaughts i dosed off but i do hear a faint chuckle beside me before sleeping.

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