Chapter 17

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Ansh's Pov

A feeling of disappointment wash over me when I woke up alone in bed because I wanted to see her in my arms sleeping peacefully. I looked at the time it was seven in morning. Look like my wife is a early bird even on Sundays, back at home I thought it was because of maa papa but now I guess it's not. I got up from the bed to get ready for the day as I have some plans to spend this day with my wife.

I took a bath and wearing a grey jogger with simple black tee I instantly walked out of our room to find my wife. I found her in dinning area looking super cute in black flapper and black loose t-shirt. She was setting up the breakfast while thinking something. She looked deep in thoughts because she still don't noticed my presence. Just exactly what she is thinking? From the night time she looks lost.

"Good morning " she started when I wished her breaking her trance. She wished me back but didn't match my gaze.

"What's wrong " I asked sitting on the chair.

"Um.. Nothing, nothing is wrong "

She answered with a nervous smile and proceed to sit beside me but before that I pulled her in my lap. She looked at me with wide eyes but didn't try to get up which makes me happy because it means she is comfortable with me.

"What are you thinking"

I asked caressing her hairs which feels so soft and silky.

"Have your breakfast it's getting cold"

she said which means she is not going to answer me untill I insist. It's always like this she never gave a penny of thoughts easily not that I mind, it's fun with her.

"You want me to have breakfast first? "

I asked and she nodded which brings a smile on my face.

"Ok then feed me"

I said smirking and like always her cute blush appear on her ears and then travel to her cheeks. God only I know how lucky I am feeling right now.

"Why? yourself" She replied making me chuckle.

"Because I am your husband and it's your duty to take care of me"

I whisper in her ear before kissing it and inhale her fragrance loosing my grip lightly on her small waist.

"Then I am y..your Wife too, you.. should also take ca..careof me"

she shutters and put her hands on my chest as I trailed kisses from her neck to jaw. She didn't even knew about the effect she have over me specially when she shutter and moan my name, I want to do all sinful things to her. (Such a pervert you are) my inner self mocked, i don't mind because I am indeed a pervert but only for her. She didn't have any idea how much she turned me on, no matter how hard I try to be a saint and think straight but I always ended up thinking my sinful ways with her.

"Ok,then open your mouth"

I said forwarding a bite of aloo paratha to feed her. She sit straight in my lap with a sudden surprise look on her face.

"You don't..."

"But i want to,now come on eat" I said and indicate her with my eyes to open her mouth again and she did with blushing cheeks and little hesitation.

"Tell me, what do you want to do today, I have some plans but... "

"I am going to meet Manvi"

She inform cutting my words and finger at the same time as I was feeding her.

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