Chapter 11

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Reva's pov

It's Saturday today second last day of my holidays. I'm feeling happy and the reason of my happiness is my one and only husband. He didn't do anything specific to make my day. It's just his presence, I know I am sounding like an idiot or you can say a fool in lo... no it can't be that.

Obviously there is no such things like love and fate. He did say that he like me too on that day and his actions also justify his words but it can't be love. How can someone like him who define perfection love me.

I don't believe in love, I am pessimist about it. In my entire life,I never been in a relationship because of two reasons first I never found someone with whom I feel connection and second cause I'm afraid of love. I'm afraid what if that person lose his interest in me what if I lose my interest in him.

Time to time I also saw a lot of people around me who fall in and fall out in love. Some of them used to cry their eyes out after break up. I even witness the end of long term relationships, which always seems to have a happy ending.

I learned a lesson from all these stories that is if you don't want to see yourself in an awful condition then stay out from all these heart stuff.

But still I want to feel truly loved by someone for once. I know all these things happens in books and in real life people live with each other only because of needs so I never made high hopes.

But now...i feel different about love. I think he is changing my thoughts about love without even tring. He is the first person with whom I feel a connection, only his presence is enough to make my heart flutter.

I don't think that he likes me because of his needs or because he wanted to present himself like an ideal husband.

We kissed for three times but not even for once I saw pure lust in his eyes for me.

Well, i am not saying it's bad to have lust for the person whom you love. But the emotion I see in his eyes is beyond love and lust. He looks at me like he worships me, his black eyes looks so deep and pure.

I think if he remain like this I am definitely going to lost my heart.

I can't make myself think negative about him, he is just so perfect. I do feel little hurt and angry when he kind of avoid me after our first kiss. But my anger vanished into a thin air when he talked to me about that. I saw a fear and desperation in his eyes yesterday night. Like he badly wanted to say something but he was afraid.

We didn't get much time to talk this morning. He went to his office after breakfast and I came to temple with maa.

I may be a pessimist about love but I am optimistic about God. For me God is like a ray of hope, my believe over him help me find happiness even in the ugliest situations.

After temple me and maa have lunch later we met her friends. In these last days I met to a lot of new people. They all were the acquaintance of Maa Papa and Anvi. I almost met everyone, only his friends are left and I want to meet them too.

When we came back it was almost evening and Ansh hadn't come home yet. I want to talk to him but again I forgot to ask for his phone number. Ughh...I'm such an idiot.

Mee maa and papa have evening snacks after that I escort maa to her room so she can have some rest and I walked to mine. Today was really tiring. I think Ansh is going to be late so I decided to have some rest.

I woke up from my nap when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and found Anvi.

"Hello bhabhi" Anvi said with a smile.

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