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Sirius POV

I shot up as sunlight shinned brightly into my eyes. Something didn't feel right. I looked down at my body and realized that my clothes were torn and my right side leg was bleeding. It wasn't bad compared to the other wounds I've got before this during a full moon. I took in my surroundings and realized that something was really wrong.

Usually we walk around Hogsmead until the moon wanes but we make sure that we all are back at the Shrieking Shack on time. Now all I can see, are thick and tall trees for as far as the eye can see. I looked around desperately as panic starts to overwhelm me.

“Moony? Wormtail? Prongs?“ I scream at the top of my lungs hoping at least one of them are near.

“Padfoot”, I heard a soft whisper from a few feet ahead.

I dragged myself to that spot as quickly as my injured leg would allow me and saw Moony shivering on the cold grass. He doesn't have clothes on as he always took them off before transforming to avoid ripping them. I immediately took off my cloak and put it over him to cover him up before lifting him against a tree trunk.

“Pads, your leg. I'm so sorry”, He started his usual guilt trip after a full moon and I wanted to comfort him as always but right now my mind is scattered and I'm panicking about trying to look for the other two.

“Remus, I'm sorry mate but can you stand? I need you bring you back to the Shrieking Shack before Pomfrey arrives and James and Peter are missing”, I run a hand through my hair nervously.

“Oh god, what happened? I vaguely remember chasing someone- she saw”, Remus went pale in a second and looked like he was about to die.

“Ok, Remus. Breathe in and out, mate. Come on, we've got to get you back”, I said as soft as possible and placed a hand around his waist to support him as his body is usually weak after a full moon.

Remus leaned on me and pushed himself off the ground. We hobbled back as fast as our injuries would take us. Remus was quiet the entire way and I knew the feeling. Yesterday's incident still has me in shock. Lily knows now and Remus was always afraid of this. I am also worried about James who went to help her and is no where to be found now. Remus leaned into me more as his body didn't support his weight and I ignored the shooting pain up my leg and brought us both into the shack.

Once in there, I made Remus sit on the bed carefully before getting him his clothes and waiting for him to change into them. We both sat in absolute silence as our worlds were thrown upside down. I know Remus was blaming himself for everything and I wanted to help him out of the dark place he always descends to after a full moon but my scattered thoughts were not helping me with that.

“Moony, I have to go back before Poppy gets here. I'm sorry this happened but I'm sure we can handle it. It's Lily, mate. She loves you”, I said, hoping this would calm him down a little bit. He didn't even look up to meet my eye but just nodded and fell down onto the bed. I walked out and pushed myself to get into the castle.

I wanted to go up to the infirmary to get some treatment and rest but as Poppy is probably with Remus right now, I wanted to get something else done. So even with such an unbearable pain in my leg, I trudged up to Dumbledore's office. I was immensely worried about the other two so I decided Dumbledore would be the best solution for this problem.

“Sugarplum”, I quickly told the gargoyle statue the password- I remember James telling me the password because it sounded funny.

I knocked loudly on the door, hoping he's there but didn't get a response. After waiting for 10 more minutes I realized that Dumbledore wasn't there so I rushed to the next best person. My leg was killing me and I was only still standing up out of sheer will.

Always : A Jily love story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora