The Broken Bond

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James POV

Dear Lily,

Sirius and I just reached home and I'm already missing you so much. Send your parents answer for the ball in the return owl. Missing you.

Your boyfriend,

"Hold still, Cliff", I said as my owl kept twitching.

"There you are, Prongs! Who are you writing to? We just came home", Padfoot entered my room and threw himself on my bed.

"Someone that I'll tell you about next week when Moony and Wormtail come over", I smirked and joined him on my bed after letting Cliff out.

Lily and I hadn't had time to tell the others about our relationship yet. We planned to tell it to them on New Years but then decided that I would die from keeping it too long from Sirius so she said I could tell them. The Marauders and girls are coming over for the Potter Ball in 2 weeks time but I had invited the guys earlier to make my announcement and for us to get our dress robes together seeing as all of us had grown out of our old ones.

"Are you keeping secrets from me now, Prongs? After all this time?" Sirius said dramatically faking hurt.

"Shut it, Pads. What did you want to do?" I asked, getting off the bed.

"Well I was going to go down to town to check out the motorcycle shop like last time but I've lost the mood. What should we do?" He said.

"Well, we could go get some ice cream?" I suggested.

"Sure, hold on", He said and sprinted into his room to grab something.

I threw a red hoodie on with a pain of blue jeans and white sneakers and went out of my room to see Sirius in his usual black jeans and leather jacket that Remus had given him last Christmas.

"Where are you boys off to?" Dad questions. He was rarely around anymore what with all the attacks and they needed him on call at all times. Mom had tried her best to be around with us but it was getting harder and harder as she was one of the best Aurors and they needed the both of them.

Everytime they left for a mission or an attack it's hard on me and Sirius because the situation has come to a point where we don't know if they'll be safe or if they'll come back at all. Both of my parents are very well known in the Wizarding World and that has kept a target on my back as I'm the Potter heir. While I was at Hogwarts mom and dad said I'll be fine with Dumbledore thee but now that Sirius and I are home they've asked us not to stray far away from home and have been trying to keep us in all the time, keeping tabs on wherever we're going. I know that it's for our safety but we were both getting restless and needed to leave.

"We wanna get ice cream, dad", Sirius answered cheerily.

"Be careful and come back quick! No straying out of Diagon Alley! I mean it boys", my mom said with a stern expression that Sirius and I knew not to mess with.

"Got it, mom. See you guys", I waved to my parents as Sirius and I went to catch the bus.

"So what's your plan for Lily after the break mate?" Padfoot asked conversationally.

"Uhmm- Pads? I uh have something to tell you", I cringe at how much I'm stammering.

"What's up, Prongs?" Padfoot asked chuckling at my stammer.

"Well, Lily and I- uhmm got together on the last day we were at Hogwarts and that is who I was writing to just now. I wanted to tell you but she said it'll be nice to surprise you guys on New Years", I rushed out the last sentence, scared he might get mad at me for not telling him.

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