The run up to the ball

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Lily's POV

"Don't worry, mum. I've packed everything, my Hogwarts trunk is ready. I'll write to you guys", I soothed my mother who was hugging me.

"Ohhh we love you Lily darling. We'll be there for your graduation. Make good choices", Mom said before letting me go.

I hugged my dad and walked into the family room where James was waiting with my trunk in one hand and his wand in one hand. Hw smiled once he saw me and placed my trunk down to come to my parents.

"Mr and Mrs Evans, thank you a lot for your hospitality and wonderful treatment. I'd love to spend more time together with you guys. Please be at ease knowing I would give anything just to make sure Lily is happy and safe", James said and politely kissed my mom's hand and shaked my dad's.

"Be careful, James. Take care of my daughter", Dad said in a deep voice but I could see that he trusted and liked James more than any of Petunia's boyfriends.

"For sure, Mr. Evans", James said and wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me to his side.

"Come on, James. Time to go", I said and turned around to carry my trunk but him being James quickly lifted it himself and hooked his arm around me, holding me in place.

"We're going to apperate, Lils. Just hold onto me and try not to wiggle too much", James said softly before pulling me closer to him.

Before I could respond to that I heard a loud CRACK! It was a weird feeling. It was as if you were being pulled and smashed together and I'm sure I was not breathing and before I could interpret anything more we were back to normal just as suddenly.

I'm 100% sure that I would have fell head first onto the ground if James wasn't holding me. James knowing me so well, didn't let go of me until my legs finally got back to normal and could hold me straight up. James looked perfectly normal and once he saw me wobbling around, his face contorted into a expression that showed so clearly that he was trying his best to not laugh.

"That's the only thing worse than flying", I commented and pulled myself away from him to get my flyaway hair under control.

"Just because you said that, I'm taking you flying during one of this days", James said and pulled me to walk across a field.

"Sorry about this walk, Lils. The Potter Manor has many spells on it to keep unwanted people from apparating to and from it. Usually members of the family are allowed to apparate into it but since I'm with you right now, the spells didn't allow me in so we're going to have to walk", James explained as he took out his wand and made my trunk levitate and follow us as we walked.

"It's really pretty, James. I wished I could've grown up here", I said, sighing contently at the greenery all around us.

"I guess it's nice but it's not fun if you have no one to share it with. I'm happy you're here with me to enjoy this, Lils", James said and looked at me with his hazel eyes filled with emotion.

"I love you, James Potter", I said and wrapped my hand around his neck before pulling him slightly down and standing on the tip of my toes before crashing my lips to his.

We stood there like this, intwined with each other, just the two of us in our little bubble of happiness for a few minutes before pulling away and walking towards James's house.

About 15 minutes later, we stood infront of something that cannot be called a house but must be called a palace. It was huge and beautiful. There was an archway at the entrance and to the left it was a beautiful garden filled with the most colorful and pretty flowers I've ever seen. On the right there was a small table with 6 chairs around it. The place looked calm and intimidating at the same time. Now I know why 11 year old James Potter was such an arrogant, self-important child- anyone would be if they grew up in a place like this.

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