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Sorry guys. This is just a filler chapter. Thank you for all the reads in both my books. I'll keep updating this fic every Sunday. Enjoy 

⚠️Swearing and triggering issues⚠️

Peter POV

If the others knew about this they'll surely hate me. But this is what has to be done. They can't ensure me the protection I need. This has to be done for my survival.

"Ready, Pettigrew?" Snape's voice echoed through the dark tunnel we were walking through.

"Ye-yea", I squeaked.

"Come on then. We're here", Snape nudged me through a dark door and we stepped into a huge room.

The room looked circular and there were many people in robes and a type of gold masks standing in a line around the room. In the far end of the room, near the unlut fire place there was a tall man in black robes standing.

This man was not facing the door when Peter walked in but he seemed to have known of his arrival. The people around the room had an air of caution around them and it was as if the mystery man was a leader to their cult.

I walked in with Snape pushing me every few seconds. If it wasn't for the fear of what might happen if I faltered in front of all this intimidating people, my knees would've given way far long ago.

I was never the brave one in my group. James and Sirius were always the ones that would be quick to act when in need. Even Remus had a tendency to be fast to respond when someone is in need or if anyone he loves was in danger. I was just a tag along and I knew they felt that way too because they never seem to realize my absence.

When it's the four of us hanging out, James remembers now and then to ask me a question or Remus remembers to tease me about something but Sirius has never cared for me as much as he cares for James and Remus.

Sirius loves James as a brother and nobody could separate the both of them. Even Remus never got that much of love from the both of them. But nevertheless, James and Sirius had always attacked anyone that dares to even comment on Remus. They always treated him like an equal while I was treated as an option. Sirius only ever came to me when there was nobody else.

Ever since James and Sirius had seen each other on the train years ago they got along. Then they met Remus and they instantly fit together. I just seem to wonder into their compartment and had tagged along with them because Remus was caring enough to ask me about my life.

Fucking Remus! He has always been quick to use his lycanthropy as an excuse when he wanted something from James and Sirius. And the both of them never batted an eye. If it was for Remus then no questions asked. Heaven forbid Remus have anything but good in his life.

Sirius had came from an wealthy pureblooded family. His family name was enough to scare people from looking at his direction. But instead of using that to his advantage he decides to throw it all away and leave to be with the Potters.

Potter. Another strong pureblooded name. They had never been as involved in the dark arts as Sirius's family so when Sirius arrived on their premises that night he was welcomed with open arms.

All three of those fucking privileged kids never understood how hard it was for people like me who had to fight to survive, to find a place where I belonged. They fit right in wherever they went.

James fit perfectly as a Gryffindor. He was the definition of bravery and chivalry. He was such a good Quidditch player and all the teachers had instantly liked him because of his family name.

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