Platform 9 and 3/4

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James POV

"Padfoot we're going to be late! Your hair is perfectly fine. We've got to get moving, you idiot", James Potter hollers at his best friend who has been standing in front of the mirror in his room for the past 10 mins.

"Perfection can't be rushed mate. And you've gotta admit that you had also put extra care to your appearance as we are going to meet dear Lilykins today", Sirius a.k.a Padfoot smirks at his evidently frustrated best friend.

Sirius had been living with the Potters since the end of the sixth year after leaving his blood purist family members. He had never been one to go by the rules and his pureblooded family had been driving him nuts since the day he got sorted into Gryffindor.

He had learned to block out everything his family threw his way. He had held on to the hope that he might be able to help his younger brother, Regulus from getting caught under his family's influence but the summer of his sixth year showed him how wrong he was.

After he saw his brother willingly hexing muggleborns and mixing with the rest of the Slytherins even after the warnings and pleadings from Sirius, he figured he had had enough. One night when the Blacks were all having dinner together his mother had announced loudly that the "Dark Lord" had accepted Regulus to replace Sirius' place.

Sirius was shocked but when he looked at the proud look on his brother's face he lost it. He stormed up to his room and threw his clothes into his Hogwarts trunk and left. His mother was screaming bloody murder but he turned her out and went to the only place he felt safe other than when he was at Hogwarts, James' house.

Mr and Mrs Potter took him in happily and since then they have treated him like their own son. He had been getting letters from his mother but never told anyone about them. He just locked them in his drawer.

"James, Sirius your breakfast is getting cold", Euphamia Potter's voice rang from the kitchen.

Sirius and James bolted to the kitchen and threw themselves onto their chairs. Charlus Potter was drinking a cup of coffee and reading the Daily Prophet. Charlus saw his sons run in and smiled up at them.

"Morning boys. Excited for your last year?" Charlus placed the newspaper down and made eye contact with boy of his boys.

"Mornin' dad. Of course we are. Think about all the good pranks we are going to pull off this year. Our names must be spoken even after we are gone", Sirius proclaimed while contently digging into his pancake stack.

"Seeing as James is Head Boy this year, he will have to stop all the trouble making if he doesn't want to lose his badge", Euphamia interjected sternly to the boys.

"Yea mate. Evans is obviously Head Girl and I think our pranks are not going to go easy with her. I'm thinking of toning it down this year", James admitted, not maintaining eye contact with Sirius.

"But Prongs..........", Sirius pouted but controlled his wicked tongue as they were in the presence of their parents.

"Well James I'm glad about this unexpected difference but just remember to have as much fun as possible. This is your last year after all", Charlus' eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Of course dad. I'm James Potter", James said arrogantly which caused Charlus and Sirius to chuckle and Euphamia to roll her eyes at the boys.

After breakfast they family of four apperated to Kings Cross Station. James and Sirius ran into the platform and was quickly followed by their mom and dad.

Lily POV

"Lily, mom's calling you down for breakfast", Petunia muttered and was out of Lily's room before she could even acknowledge her.

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