Something I said I'd never be

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Lily POV

James and I were pouring over the prefects roster as quickly as possible. Everyone was leaving for Christmas Break tomorrow and James and I had to get this done so while our friends packed up their belongings at the Gryffindor common room we were at our common room getting this done.

I didn't notice it before but James had been unnaturally quiet and stuff all day today. He talked less and didn't joke around as much. Even now, whenever we're together we always had fun talking about anything and everything but he seemed to be staring at the roster with such determination that it unnerved me so I decided to break the silence.

"James? What's wrong? U've been quiet all day and it's night already. Are you sick?" I asked concerned.

"What? No, Lils. I'm not sick. It's just... There's something- well... It's stupid but you know", he stammered.

He looks really cute when he's all nervous

Focus, Lils!

"Spit it out, James", I said in a playful tone.

"Well uhmm-Lily willyougotothePotterballwithme?" James said in one breath.

"Slower James", I chuckled.

"Will you go to the Potter ball with me?" He asked slower with his eyes trained to the ground.

"Potter ball?" I asked confused.

"Oh shit! I haven't told you yet", he slapped a hand to his forehead.

"Ok. So, the Potters ball is a ball that my parents host every year for the ministry, their friends and family. Usually I'm not allowed to but this year I get to bring you guys and I want you to come", he explained and waited patiently looking hopeful.

"Oh uhmm when is it?" I asked.

"It's on Christmas but my mom said you guys could stay until New year's and then we'd go to King's Cross together", he said.

"Oh well, I would love to James. I just have to clear it off with my parents first. I promised I'd be home with them this break but I'm sure they won't mind", I said excitedly.

"Great! If they say yes then just send me an owl and I'll come get you, if they say no then well we'll deal with that when we come to it", James said happily.

We smiled at each other. No words were exchanged and the duty roster that we were working on completely forgotten. At that moment it was just the two of us in this little bubble where no one else existed.

Suddenly there was a burst of light which brought us back to reality and we saw a huge phoenix fly into the room. It circled around the room.

"Fawkes? Come here, boy", James patted his shoulder and the phoenix gracefully landed and snuggled into him.

It was massive. Fawkes had orange and red feathers which gleamed brightly and looked like it was straight out of a book. I had never seen a phoenix this close before and it was prettier than I imagined it to be. Even though it's feathers where on fire, you could still touch it and pet it normally.

I knew about the healing powers that it's tears possessed and it had always been one of the wonders in the Wizarding World that I had loved. It was just so majestic and I would love to know more about this bird.

"Fawkes is Dumbledore's phoenix, Lils. I know that because.... Well Sirius and I have been in his office too many times haven't we?" James chuckled and slowly stroked his feathers.

"Can I?" I ask, raising my hand hesitantly as if worried I might scare him away.

"Sure", James said and tilted himself a bit to give me more access.

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