Semester starts

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James POV

Dear Prongs and Prongsette,

I'm sorry, mate but mom and dad said it's better if you guys stay hidden. It's a bummer but we'll be able to meet at Hogwarts. Dad said Dumbledore will come to get you from your spot and he'll apparate straight to Hogwarts, which means we'll meet for dinner. Take care mate. Take good care my Lilykins too.

Your best mate.

It's been a week since we got that letter and both of us were bummed out that they couldn't visit. But above all, I'm incredibly glad to know that everyone is safe and not hurt in any lasting way. Lily and I are supposed to leave for Hogwarts today but we don't have our trunks, books or anything needed for this sem. If Dumbledore is coming for us, like Padfoot said then we'll have to ask him what to do.

Lily was taking a bathe while I was having some cookies she had baked yesterday. She had gotten the recipe from her mom and it's the best tasting thing ever. I was ready to go but Dumbledore was not here yet. Just as I thought of that someone knocked on the door.

“Lils, you ready, babe?“ I say as I walked to the front door.

I opened the door and saw Dumbledore standing there.

“It's good to see you again, Mr. Potter”, Dumbledore said as we sat down at the dining table.

“Good to see you too, sir. Professor, Lily's and my stuff are still at home, how do we get it?“ I asked as I poured him a glass of butterbeer.

“Thanks. Your luggage has already been sent to Hogwarts. My job is to bring you two there safely, away from prying eyes”, He says serenely.

Lily comes out dressed in muggle clothes as we have enough time to change at Hogwarts before everyone shows up. Dumbledore finishes his drink and waves his wand so it cleans and rearranges itself before hearding us to the middle of the room. We each places a hand on his wrinkled and battered hand and in a second we were pulled into the feeling of apparation with a loud


Marlene POV

“Come on, kids. We're running late”, Euphamia called us down.

Sirius and I were sitting in his room, talking about something while Dorcas and Remus got ready in Remus's room.

Ever since the attack, Sirius and I have gotten closer than usual. We sat together, helped each other and we frequently cuddled with each other. I've always had a small crush on this crazy boy but his playboy ways have always discouraged me from letting my feelings known to him. But I noticed that this year he's changed. He hasn't had even one girlfriend yet and he's nicer to people. However hard I try to keep my feelings buried underneath, it's proving to be harder and harder with him always at arms reach.

“Marls? MARLS!“ Sirius's loud voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah?“ I said startled.

“Sorry. Mom's calling us”, he said sheepishly and carried both of our trunks.

“I'll carry mine”, I said and reached for my trunk but he yanked it away from me.

“It's my honor, darl”, he replied with a wink that unfortunately made me blush so I turned my head and walked out fast.

“There you guys are. Let's go, let's go, let's go!“ Euphamia herded us all into a circle where we linked hands and stood waiting to apparate to the station.

Lily POV

“James, come down here. I made pizza”, I hollered up the stairs that led to his bedroom.

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