It hurts so bad. (15)

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I opened my eyes from the loud voices I heard outside a room, along with beeping of something. I look around, i'm lying in a white room, everything so clean. I try to listen to the voices outside of the room.

"Sir, you're going to have to stop acting so aggressive if you want to come back tomorrow during visiting hours."
"Tom, please..."
I immediately recognise the voices, Tom and Aleyna. Then all the memories from last night come flooding back. It was Tom, he was the reason I crashed. I risked my life for a guy, I could have died just like ...

I need to stop seeing him. I can't, I physically can't. If I hadn't survived, I could have died almost the same way my sister did, a car crash.

The door opened, the doctor sighing and telling the people outside,

"Only 10 minutes."
The doctor said before Tom rushed into the room, with Aleyna right behind him. I moved away from him as he tried to hug me,

"Y/N, Y/N i'm so happy you're alive!"
I looked at his eyes, puffy and red from crying. I backed away from him,

"Tom, just... just leave."
I tell him, it feels like a sting in my heart, a million bees inside me.

He asked, voice cracked and quiet.

"I don't want to see you, okay? I almost died because of..."
I trailed off, I didn't want to straight up see it. I look over at Aleyna, she's confused too. But then, I think she caught on as she said something to Tom.

"Y/N, i'm not leaving you. Please... please."
He pleaded for me to let him stay, whilst trying to hug me again but I pushed him off of me as a tear fell onto the cold, hospital ground.

Bill walked in and smiled seeing me awake.

"Y/N, thank god you're okay!"
He says, but confused as he sees the atmosphere of the room.

"Leave okay? Tom, get away from me!"
I yell, he just stares at me with hurt in his eyes. I look at the ground, I couldn't bare look at him any longer. I hear quite sobs as Bill and Tom leave the room. Hearing the door shut behind them.

"Y/N, what was that!"
Aleyna said, confusedly and looking a little mad.

"Aleyna, don't you realise? This is the exact same way Lily..."
I don't finish my sentence, her face drops from anger and confusion to sorrow.

"Y/N, you can't be scared of love. Don't you remember all the things Tom made you feel? I know bad things like that happen, but it wasn't his fault the rain was heavy!"
She told me, I glanced over at the doctor and watching him check his clock, about to kick out Aleyna any minute now.

"Alright, times up. The REAL visting times are from 9am to 6pm. Not 2am!"
He scolded before scooting her out, shutting the door. He takes a deep breath before coming over to explain to me what happened.

"So, Y/N, last night you were discovered on the side of the road. Luckily, your car was on the side and hadn't trapped you completely. It was the result of a drunk driver. Thankfully, not too many injuries were found. You had a busted lip and quite bruised arms, but nothing that can't be fixed."
I look down at my arms and realise them all wrapped up in bandages and things like that.

"Oh... how long will I have to stay here for?"
I ask, he opens up his little notebook, flipping through all of his notes.

"It'll be approximately 3-6 days, depending on how fast your arm heals."
He tells me, I sigh dramatically. How exciting.

He leaves the room to let me go back to sleep. I spot my bag and phone on my bedside table, it was slightly cracked in the sides but nothing too bad.

It buzzes repeatedly, I look at the notifications.

Pain Of Love (Y/N x Tom Kaulitz)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang