My mother. (10)

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I walk past the room, a shiver goes down my spine. Ever since i've moved, I haven't seen them much. Because after that incident, nothing was the same again. I would sob on my bed for endless hours, thinking about all the memories we had, all our inside jokes, all our games we played as kids. It was always just me and Lily.

My mom took it the hardest, after we came back from the hospital, she didn't even look at me. She couldn't speak to me, she couldn't look at me, she didn't make me food, nothing. She just cleaned, that's all she did. She would clean the whole house top to bottom, and that's been her coping mechanism for the last 2 years.

I shake my head, trying to get these thoughts out of my head. I don't want to remember.

I enter the bathroom and finish my business, leaving after washing my hands.

My dad and I bumped into each other in the hallway, as he looked at her old room, I saw sadness in his eyes. He tried not to cry during the event but he couldn't stand it.

He muttered before passing me, going back to the bathroom. I went and sat on the couch, realising I was now alone with just my mother. Sitting quietly, watching the TV. Ad's begin to play and she looks at me.

"So... how are things?"
She spoke, awkwardly. I knew there was still tension between us. I knew she still blamed me for what happened, but we never spoke about it after the funeral.

"Good, I guess. What about you?"
I ask her, she looks back to the TV, thinking a little bit before responding.

"They're okay. You haven't come over in a while, why?"
My mom asked, I just can't help but think to myself, does she not want me to be here?

I hear my dad's footsteps coming back as I replied to my mom.

"Uh, Dad invited me over."
I saw my mom instantly shoot my Dad a look. Oh, so she didn't even know I was coming.

I quickly eat everything on my plate, my Dad makes small conversation but I can tell my mom doesn't want me to be here. I take the plate to the sink before grabbing my bag off the counter.

"Alright, I love you guys. I'll get going now."
My Dad looks at me, I think he wanted me to stay longer but I couldn't. It was so awkward between all three of us.

"Oh, okay. Love you more, lovely. Bye!"
My Dad waves goodbye to me as I walk off to my car. It was about 4pm now, I look at my phone and see unread messages from Tom.

Tom: Everything alright?
Tom: If those guys ever try talking to you again I swear I won't stop til one of them is knocked out next time

A smile appeared on my face, for how much he wanted to protect me.

Y/N: Everything's all good now, thank you a lot for that
Tom: Don't even worry about it 💗

A huge grin appears on my face seeing the love heart. I know it probably doesn't mean much in his eyes, but it's sweet.
I begin to drive and make a quick stop to KFC, but then I spot Khloe and Aleyna too. I park my car and hop out,

"Hey guys, what are you's doing here?"
I ask, they both turn around confusedly until they recognised my face.

"Oh hey, we were just getting food. We're super hungry."
Ley tells me, I scan the parking lot trying to spot their car but none to my avail.

"Uh, how'd you guys get here?"
Khloe slightly laughs,

"We took a uber here. Aleyna didn't have enough petrol to drive all the way here."

"Oh, uh okay. I can drive you guys home if you want. Come, let's go in the drive through."
I lead them both to my car and we buy our food, on the way home, Khloe taps me in the passenger seat.

"Hey, do you guys wanna go to a party tomorrow? This girl from my work is throwing one and told me to bring as much people I want. With Abby too, if she wants to come."
I see Aleyna's face lit up obviously, she'd go to any party. But I thought about what happened at the last party and I debate on it.

"I don't know, last party I went to didn't go so great and that was the first party I went to in ages."
Khloe and Aleyna pleaded me to come,

"Not all parties are like that, it'll be fun just come."
Khloe assures me,

"Hey, let's invite Bill and Tom! Then I know Y/N is definitely coming."
I smile at the thought, Khloe smirks and agrees with her.

"Uh, maybe. Can you certify that they'll come through?"
I ask, at least with Tom I can feel some sort of protection.

I hear Aleyna dial a number, 'how fast?' I think to myself.

"Hey Bill. Me and my girls wanted to go to a party tomorrow night, do you and Tom maybe want to come too?
Alright cool. Thanks bye!"
As soon as she hung up, she assured me that they'll be coming, so I finally cave in and agree.

We finally make it back to the house, Khloe and Ley ran to go ask Abby.

"Abby, me, Khloe and Y/N are going to a party tomorrow night with Tom and Bill, do you wanna come?"
Ley asked her, she rolls her eyes. She wasn't really big on parties.

"Nah, i'll skip this one. I have a lot of homework I need to finish."
Ley begged her but she wouldn't budge. So we just left it.

I went back to my room and got changed into some comfy pyjamas for the rest of the day. It was only 5pm now, but there was nothing else to do.

I lay in my bed for hours, endlessly scrolling on my phone until I got a call from Tom.

"Tom, is something wrong?"
I ask him, I hear him chuckle over the phone.

"No, I just missed hearing your voice."
My eyes widen and I blush intensely. No ones ever told me that before...

"Oh, oh okay."
I reply awkwardly, I didn't know what else to say. Then he begins to make conversation.

"Are you excited for the party tomorrow? Aleyna told me it's on a different part of town so hopefully we won't run into too many fans."
I sigh with relief, that's a good thing I guess.

"Oh, that's good. Yeah I guess i'm a little excited."
I answer shortly, for the next 2 hours we began talking about whatever came to our minds. I glance at the clock, 9pm, shit.

"Tom, it's kind of late. I think i'm gonna go to bed now okay?"
I hear him go silent, I felt kind of bad for a moment.

"Alright Meine Liebe, sleep well."
He tells me, I smile over the phone.

"Goodnight Tom."
I hung up the phone and put my phone on my bedside table, slowly falling asleep whilst thinking about all our conversations.

Pain Of Love (Y/N x Tom Kaulitz)Where stories live. Discover now