6. The Hard Way

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"Hey," Alex's voice interrupts my concentration as he glances over my shoulder at the glowing screen of my phone.

My eyes remain fixed on the device, my brows knitted in thought. I really need to start keeping track of the women I sleep with. One of my conquests has messaged me, but no matter how many times I run her name through my brain, I can't remember her.

"Nothing much," I reply, my thumb flicking across the touchscreen. "Just trying to figure out who Beth is."

Alex's brow furrows as he taps his chin. "Isn't that the chick you hooked up with the other day? The second one of the night, right?"

Ah, the red dress girl.

The one who made Addison run from my place.

Eh, she was alright, but nothing to write home about. Sure, she gave decent head, but the sex wasn't all that memorable.

"Why?" I finally look up, meeting Alex's inquisitive gaze.

I toss my phone onto the wooden bench, the screen briefly staying on before I retrieve my basketball uniform from my gym bag. "She's been texting me, and I couldn't remember who she was."

Alex nods as he pulls his red t-shirt over his head, his curly brown locks tousled. "Gonna hit that again?" he asks, running a hand through his unruly hair.

I shrug, slipping into my own thoughts. "I'm not sure."

"Is she trouble?"

"It was fine," I reply with a wave of my hand. She was an attractive girl, and she made the first move. Nothing more, nothing less. It's the same old routine for me. "I just don't want her getting the wrong idea." Long-term commitments aren't part of my playbook.

In fact, I steer clear of relationships altogether. My father didn't give me a good example of what good could come out of relationships. My life comes with restrictions, and my father's disdain for my playboy reputation is one of them.

But, it's not like he would be more or less pleased if I were in a committed relationship. Either way, my father wouldn't be pleased. Sleeping around is the easier path to take.

"I had a clingy one once," Alex chimes in as he pulls on his green jersey. "Took me months to shake her off. Trust me, you don't want the crazy ones. Did she have that look in her eyes?"


Not really. This girl doesn't fit the bill. She probably wants to repeat a good time, or get some more bragging rights. Because I'm Carter Harris. Then again, according to Addison - I'm not pricey.

I had initially intended to end our collaboration. Instead, I didn't. I saw the panic in her eyes, the same panic she had when discussing her scholarship. While I can't relate to the concept of needing a scholarship, I understand the fear of failing to meet the requirements.

Ignoring my father's wishes would come at a price for my mother.

If Addison fails, her dreams of pursuing an education could be crushed.

It's fine - I can turn the charm back on. I'm accustomed to wearing a mask, playing my role, but my façade had cracked around Addison. It's a little bit like playing with fire but...

It wouldn't be fair to let her fail.

At the very least, that night had revealed she isn't all work and no play. She has a competitive spirit, something I can use to make sure there's a distance between us. A few meetings to hash things out, and then she can go her own way.

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