2. Sturdy Shelves

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"Yo, C-Ball, party at the sorority in five. Hunter's the DD."

I adjust my jacket, turning to face my best friend, Alex, who is busy gaming. "Can't do. Got plans."

Alex's fingers pause on the buttons of his controller, and he raises both eyebrows, his gaze locked on me. "Plans better than a house full of jersey chasers? Who are you, and what have you done with Carter?"

Jersey chasers. Yeah, I know them all too well. Typically, I'd be all in for a night like this, but not tonight. Tonight, I have to deal with an angry blonde. "There's another one tomorrow."

"Got anything to do with Miss-Big-Tits giving you attitude?"

"No." Okay, maybe a little.

"Yeah right, she's been bugging you ever since she put you in your place," Alex comments with a sneer.

It isn't that I expect every woman to fall at my feet. I'm used to the attention, but I don't usually care. It's more about how some of the things she's said rub me the wrong way. I've never talked to her before - hell, I don't remember ever seeing her.

But she knows me, and she has a lot to say about it, all within the first few sentences she's spoken to me.

Indifferent, I can deal with - jealous too. But that girl hates me and I don't even know why. Because she thinks I'm an entitled jock - but it doesn't feel like enough. Maybe I've slept with her friend or something?

"If you strike out again, let me know," Hunter chimes in with a wink. "Wouldn't say no to trying my luck with that fine piece of ass."

I can't blame Hunter - Addison is attractive, even more so when I've accidentally riled her up by mispronouncing her name. She's got my attention.

"I wouldn't count on it," I reply with a chuckle.

"Where are you meeting her?" Alex asks, his attention back on his video game.


"Third shelf on the second floor," Hunter volunteers. "It's the sturdiest one," he adds with a wink before flopping down on the couch.

"Yeah, I'll remember that."

As if Addison would let me anywhere near her. I wouldn't mind, that's for sure. I'm not looking for a girlfriend, but I always enjoy a nice hookup. 

Last time, she had her blonde hair in a messy bun atop her head, freckles peppered beneath honey-coloured eyes, faded jeans, and an oversized sweater that did absolutely nothing to conceal her curves. And she hates me.

I have to work on fixing that. Or push her rage a little further.

"Talking about scoring..." Alex begins, his eyes still on the TV, " Have you checked out the competition for our next game?"

Hunter, engrossed in the game, doesn't look up but replies, "Yeah, we're up against State U, right?"

Alex nods. "Yeah, those dudes have been stepping up their game this season. It's gonna be a real test."

I lean forward, interest piqued. "Any guy we should be keeping an eye on?"

Alex offers me a shrug. "Well, their point guard, Jackson, is lightning fast, and he's got that deadly three-point shot. And their center, Williams, is a freaking rebound machine."

I nod.  "Sounds like we'll need to bring our A-game. I'll hit the gym tomorrow for some extra practice."

Hunter, who has been silently playing but listening, chimes in, "You know, Carter, you've been in a bit of a scoring funk lately. Maybe you should spend some extra time honing those shooting skills. In and out of the court, if you know what I mean."

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