24. Just The Tip

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Shape up, Carter.

Coach kept me after the practice... not to praise me. Far from it. Nope, it was to hand me my ass. Why? I'm off my game. So I stood there, and I took the critic. It doesn't bother me. Unless it gets back to my father - then I'm gonna hear about it.

I know I'm off my game.

I'm distracted.

I can't get Addison out of my head. I think about her, I think about fucking her again. I pushed my hair back, sweat coating my hand. I push the locker room door open, tossing my towel on the bench.

"What's going on with you?"

Alex. Shit. I thought everyone was gone.

I lift my head, spotting my best friend sitting on the bench, fully dressed. This wasn't an accidental meet up. Alex showered, and then waited for me while I was getting my ass chewed out.

"Nothing," I reply, walking to my locker, unlocking it.

"Carter, I've known you a long time and I've seen you with a lot of girls. I've never seen you distracted."

My first instinct is to tell him I'm not distracted. Except, we both know it's bullshit and I have no doubt he heard some of the speech I got. So I can't say that. "I'm just having fun." I am, aren't I? It is fun fucking Addison. Watching expressions she's making for the first time, watching her get off.

Yeah, I like it.

It's just fun.

"What's going on, Carter?"

"I told you." Alex has never noticed about my mom, we've never talked about it. Why do I feel like he's been grilling me? "Everybody else messes up all the time. Why can't I?"

"Carter... if you wanna talk, I'm here."

"I know, but I have nothing to talk about."

Talking has never done anything. It doesn't solve anything, so no I don't want to talk. I wanna keep having a good time. "Alex, I'm fine," I add, closing my locker shut. "I didn't get a lot of sleep and I had a shit morning. That's all."

"Alright, if you say so."

He says those words, but I can tell with his tone and his face that he's not really letting it go. All this time, and now he's cornering me about my behavior? So, if I play around with girls, switching every day, that's fine.

If I fuck the same girl a couple of times, then he's worried?

Whatever. For once, I don't feel like I have to put on a show. I don't have to fake it with Addison. She knows what's going on, she knows who I am. We're clear about this.

So why shouldn't I keep having fun?


"Ca-Ah, AH!"

It was supposed to be about the project. Or my dad? I don't know and I don't care. I've got Addison bent over, my hands on her hips. Every time I slam into her, Addison moans and screams. My eyes are focused on the way her ass looks as my body slaps against her.

I cover her back with my chest, reaching to grab her hand, as she buries her face into the bed, her ass lifted up and pressing into me. From behind is the best way to fuck her. She's a hell of a lot tighter this way. I love hearing her whimpers.

My hand wraps around her front, forcing her up, and she takes her arm, wrapping it back behind my neck. Addison turns her head, meeting my lips.

I'm so close, I'm about to come, and I can feel she is too.

Playing for More (Love on the Court - Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now