37. Settling the Score

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I know they're in there. I saw them through the window. But no one's answering the goddamn door. I've pounded on it a thousand times, and still nothing. Shit! Do I look like a crazy person? Crazy enough that even I wouldn't let me in? Maybe. Probably.

But that's beside the point.

I've looked crazier at plenty of other places I've tried so far, so this will have to do.

I'm not gonna lie, the fact that he's not answering makes me think he doesn't believe me. If he thought I had nothing to do with this, he would've let me in by now, right?

So the only explanation? Carter thinks I betrayed him.

Yeah, the logical part of my brain wants to scream that his own dad is using him, so of course he doesn't trust anyone...

But... but Carter is supposed to trust me.

Everything falls apart if he doesn't.

He believes in this more than I do. Hell, he made the first move. Doesn't that count for something? Shouldn't it?

"CARTER!" I shout, my voice hoarse from the countless times I've yelled his name.

Walk away, Addie. Just leave while you have some shred of dignity left. But I can't. I need him to hear me out, to believe me. Carter believed in me—for who I really am. Not the facade, not who everyone else expects me to be.

I need him to keep believing in me.


My eyes sting, my body trembling as I pull back, my arms hanging limp at my sides. What now? Do I walk away? Keep screaming? The neighbors have probably called the cops by now.

Yeah, hello, there's a crazy girl in her pajamas about to break down a door.

Just what I need.

Of course, Robert Harris would love this.

He did threaten to destroy me. Honestly, I didn't think he'd start by wrecking my relationship. What did I expect? That he'd be subtle about it? That's insane, right?

Not from a man like him.

"Carter..." My voice is a whisper, broken and defeated. If he didn't hear the shouting, he's not going to hear this.

Oh, grow up, Addie. He hears you just fine. He's choosing to leave you out here.

Fine. He wants a scene? I'll give him a scene.

I've got nothing else to lose—hell, I never had much dignity to begin with, so screw it!

I take a deep breath, then start walking away from the door. I keep going until I'm standing on the grass, right where he can see me.

"CARTER!" I yell, making sure the whole neighborhood hears. "STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE AND LET ME IN!"

Earlier, I saw two shadows in the window. I figured the second one was Alex. Now? I can't see a damn thing. Hiding isn't going to work this time. This is our thing, right?

I butt in where I'm not wanted, and Carter hides and lashes out. It's a pattern. "You know I didn't fucking write this," I call out, my voice cracking. "TALK TO ME!"

If Alex was there, he probably knows everything by now. Most people know half the story already. The story Carter never wanted anyone to know. Maybe that's why I'm fighting so hard for his attention.

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