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Reyansh's pov :

Kiara Singhania, the bane of my existence, the only one who can bring me to ruins without even trying, my wicked enchantress. My obsession for her is something which makes me hate her more. I hate the way she can make my heart skip a bit just by being near me. I hate her for making me lose my patience, my god damn mind. She makes me crazy.

I vividly remember the first time when we met each other. It was some auction of a land property. I thought I got the land by bidding the highest bid when she suddenly entered the auction and stole that land and my peace both from me. At that time I thought she must be some dad's princess, spoilt brat looking at her attitude. But when I did research about her I found out she isn't some dad's princess, she is the queen who made her own kingdom by the bricks which sexism had thrown in her way. And I hated how much it made me feel interested in her. I don't even know why I crave to talk to her so damn much that I challenge her every single time because it's the only thing which makes her talk to me. Just like now, that Shravs deal was not even that much worth for me and I jumped in that deal just to get her attention for some minute. I hate the way she makes me feel like she is the only one who can make me feel emotions when I hate being an emotional fool.

Emotions aren't meant for me. My life had long back teached me that being an emotional fool will only ruin you, destroy you. Everyone thinks I'm a monster, a devil who feels no emotion, who has no heart. But no one understands the things that turned me into an emotionless monster. I too wanted to have a simple life: a simple family with loving parents, a girl to whom I can show how much this heartless person can love. But everyone betrayed me, my heart. They ruined me, breaked my heart which no longer exists. I don't even know if I'm the monster or victim myself? Nobody understood what I wanted. There was no one for me, no one to sit beside me and hug me and say that I trust you, you are never alone, I'm always with you, I believe you. There was no one for me when I cried my heart out. I was just a child, who wanted to feel protected, who wanted love, care. But all I got was heartbreaks.

"How could you cheat on me, Ansh baby?" My annoying best friend Ayush Malhotra said while pouting. Obviously he saw me with her. Now he'll start with his lecture about how I love her.

God save me. I didn't sign up for this.

Why am I even friends with him!

Ayush Malhotra, the CEO of Malhotra groups. Ayush and I met each other during my graduation year, from when he started calling me as his best friend. And I've never tried to correct him. Because as much as annoying that bastard can be, he's the only person I got who cares for me truly.

"Drop your act, Ayush. I'm not in the mood to entertain your annoying ass." I said while sighing and making my way towards the exit.

Now I've to wait till another business party or meeting to meet my wicked enchantress. She has literally ruined me. My past self would have literally suicided if it had got to know the extent of my obsession for her.

"Obviously. How will you entertain me when you are busy wooing my sister-in-law!" He said in a knowing voice while smirking.

This guy. I had told multiple times, I'm not wooing or doing any shit with her. But this piece of shit, just doesn't understand.

"I'm not wooing her, you jerk. If you forget, let me remind you, she is my business rival, my enemy and you don't woo your enemies. " I said while looking at him with my no expression face.
"Sure, enemies. An enemy for whom you broke your billion dollar deal with Mr.Smith, just because that guy tried to pass double meaning comments at her." He said while smirking.

Hell! How does he get to know about every single thing? Obviously he is a bloody hacker.

"I don't like to work with people who have their minds in the gutter. And you stop thinking about my life and my company and focus on yours." Why the hell is everyone interested in my life?
"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Ansh baby. Bye. I need to go. Mom must be waiting for me." He said while turning and going to the parking lot.

I turned and made my way towards my car while thinking about my life. I have no one who'll wait for me, who'll care for me. I have everything anyone would want to have in their life except a place which I can really call my home.

I have many apartments, bungalow around the whole world but that's not home it's just a shelter made up of bricks and cement.

Hey readers..
I know these starting chapters are really boring but trust me it'll go more interesting ahead.
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Love you.

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