Ch 16 Satan

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The next day went lame. It was almost midnight when I was finished with my homework and this time I really gave my best to those Trigonometry maths problems. Even though after some days I will be back again in my loop.

It's always like this. I start something fresh with new enthusiasm but by the middle of it, I became bored and gave up easily. It must be clear by now.

The thing I know best is to give up.

I miss the old me, The carefree me, The dreamer me. The one who dreams to change the world and to make her parents proud. But now It just feels like all hope has vanished.

Anna always says that I had never cared for a single thing in my life. Maybe she is right.
Maybe I am too self-centred.

But it doesn't mean my heart never ached for Adrian.

Vaguely I found myself scrolling through my phone lost in the photos off all the lovely old memories.

I miss the time when my life had some meaning, someone I loved. Someone...... Adrian.

All I want is him to magically appear in this room and hug me close. To let me breathe into his aura and let his hand trail down my arms and make me shiver in the most loving moments. To teach me to play guitar while we sang together. To him hold on to this love and never ever let me go.

I miss him so much. I wish I could see him, just once.

Tears found their way and I was surprised that I still had tears left to cry. I was about to switch off the phone and snuck in my bed when my not-so-friendly roommate crashed opened the door.

"Ohh you again!" Roma came stomping her five-inch boots with a smudge expression on her face.

"I had no choice, The other rooms are full, Remember?"

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes while chewing a gum.

Even though I didn't find her much friendly I have to bond with her anyhow if we have to live in the same room. So I decided to start a conversation trusting myself to not say anything stupid.

"Haven't you gone class today?"

In return she arched me an eyebrow, "I don't do classwork."

"Ohh" I cursed myself to even ask her that question.
Obviously, she doesn't look the study type. And yeah I am not that type either but I am being judgmental anyways.

"You smoke?" She took a cigarette in her mouth and asked me blowing the smoke out.

"No, I don't and I would never."

Roma snorted, "There is always a first time for everything. You can try."

"No, I hate it."

Roma rolled her eyes, "If you say so."

Just when the smell started to disgust me, My phone rang. I looked at it, It was Anna.


"I packed some of my pyjamas in your bag. Bring it Now! And don't you wear any." She, My sister is calling me for the first time after coming here only to order me.

"Why don't come and take it yourself ?"

"Ahh, Can you ever listen to me for once? Room no 67. Elsie come now!"


I hunged up and furiously unpacked my bag and took her treasurous pyjamas and walked out of the door.

The hallway was lit with minimal light giving way to rosewood staircases and upstairs to my sister's room. I walked up in silence, Moonlight was glistening through the glass windows directly at the doors. I read room 67 and knocked.

No answer.

I knocked again.

No answer.

After another knock, I understood there was loud music coming from inside. I abruptly opened the door and what I saw was unbelievable.

She was having a freaking pyjama party on her first night in NU and it didn't even looks the decent kind.

I scanned her room to find Anna surrounded with four other girls. By the looks on their faces, I could say they didn't looked sober and so not was my sister.

"Ohh you came. Keep it on the bed." Anna tossed her heels and slumped back on the bed giggling with other girls.

"Is she is your sister?" A girl with a funny headband asked.

"She is quite pretty." Another one with blond hair scanned me.

"Elsie. Her name." Anna took a beer can and drank halfway and I have no doubt saying that it's wasn't her first one.

"Hi, I am Lana" A girl with gothic black makeup approached me. "C'ome join in" She grabbed my hand but Anna stopped her.

"No, She won't. Elsie, You can go now and thanks."

"But we'll get compan...."

"No!" Anna was straight- forward rude. Damn her if she thinks I wanna join her little calamity.

I frustratedly turned around to move out but accidentally bumped into someone. He was a boy, tall and build up with short black hair and tattoos running around his neck. Wait a boy in my sister's room! I turned to glare at her. What the fuck is going on?!

"Come on Dean" Anna smiled at him, that flirtous smile of her which I have known better.

"Sorry" I murmured and wanted desperately to move out but the guy in front blocked me. His gaze falled on me, I felt his blue eyes lingering over my body, my untied hair and blue pyjamas. He gave a slow sly smile and said, "Nice to meet you."

Behind me Anna tilts her head, her smirk wavering, "Inside Dean, Now!"

He moved aside but his sharp blue eyes stayed at me like that for a moment cutting me in and I shuddered under his gaze like the ice froze on me.

"Coming baby." Dean found his way towards Anna and closed the door on my face leaving me outside and startled.

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