Ch 3 Forever

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Walking hand in hand with the person you love is the most amazing feeling. Isn't it?

Love is a big word to say but now that I have understood it, It is difficult to stop. Not that I haven't tried too.

I was never like this, never actually understood the concept of love. I used to think it was just attraction we fall for a person. But well,
I was wrong.

It's just I never got the chance to grow up in a very loving environment, not that I was interested in finding one.

My mum and Anna are the closest to me. We are called a family sharing our lives in one shelter, dealing with our individual realities.

I do love them a lot and so do they love me. But what would that love means if you can't truly understand one person, Never really share each other's problems? Never stood with them in their hard times.

My dad left us when I was four which made everything worse. Me and my sister were never the ideal example of actual sister love and my mum had her own problems to handle.

Life's been hard on them too and I never wanted to be an increment of their problems.
So, I just go on my way and do not bother them.

Everything was the same until he came along.
He changed me.

Adrian Ford.

The boy I only had known for almost a year. And yet he showed me the love I always yearned for.

At first, I never thought that this could ever happen, that I would fall for him.

He was everything I was not.

Rich, popular and breathtakingly hot, Adrian Ford had the whole school wrapped around him since the first day he stepped foot a year ago. Girls used to swarm
around him wherever he went, teachers loved him, he was good at everything he did. The perfect. The best.

But Adrian was more to me than they could see. For me he was that unbothered boy, who liked to be alone. He never liked the attention, never liked the flattery. It was just him and his guitar in a lonely corner.

My guitar boy.

His music is the very first thing that took my heart.

I used to sneak at him singing when he thought nobody was looking. Only that I was naive enough to think he couldn't see me.

In fact, He always knew I was there, listening behind that stairwell wall while he unwrapped his heart in those silver strings.

I don't know how we become from two strangers of different worlds to this.

I look at our adjoining hands as if it's a dream.

Just a few months ago, I doubted that we would ever talk. But now...
After Clara, I can say he is the only friend I got. He has been there with me every time I needed him. Even though we never confessed our love. He knows that I like him and he likes me. We have been great friends so far.

He is everything I ever wanted.

He showed me how to be comfortable around others.
Taught me how to play basketball and football. He gave me guitar lessons and made me the yummiest burgers.

Apart from everything, He knows how to make me smile. He knows how to make me laugh at the worst moments. It's a speciality of Adrian, he can pinch away my sadness in just a few seconds.

And now, when he is beside me holding my hand and smiling at me in his most amusing way, I feel like I am the luckiest girl alive.

"You went to your world again? God Elsie! I wish I knew what were you thinking." He fussed his head around faking a tragic look.

I can't help but giggle at his actions. "Don't worry, I am back, alive and clear". I snickered at him and he did the same. "Good, because we are getting late. Now come on the dance is going to start!".

We raced our way to the gym holding each other's hands for the dance I never wanted to end.

A blast of neon lights filled the room and jass music made the atmosphere alive. I could see everyone in their beautiful prom dresses and elegant suits. This gym never felt so alive and friendly. The music was beautiful and perfect.

Thousand Years by...
Christina Perri

'Heart beats fast,
Colours and promises,
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm
Afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow.

Adrian let go of my hand and stood in front of me. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Lady, May I have this pleasure of dancing with you?" He bowed his head and took out his hand.

It was then I noticed him. He was wearing a black suit with flowers that matched my bracelet.

Standing here looking so handsome. His hazel eyes shining like sunflowers, his light brown hair tempting me of coffee, his high cheekbones too perfect to touch, The way his rosy lips curles and revael the two cutest dimples that make me blush uncontrollably, His slender tall but strong figure.

Everything's too perfect.
He is too perfect for me.

How in the world I have been so lucky to be his girlfriend? I was mesmerized from the moment I saw him for the first time.

I always used to wonder why of all girls he chose me. Of all the beautiful and smart girls. Even compared to Anna I am nothing. He could have gone for Anna. She is perfect.
Perfect meets perfect Isn't it?

Instead, he chose me.
A Shy, Loner, Stupid, Dumb, Depressed and A freaking Loser. Why?

But I am happy that he chose me and I got the chance to know him.

Without any further delay, I grabbed his hand and let him dance me in his arms. He pulled my waist dragging me closer. Slowly he tossed me in his arms. He knows I like dancing and I was enjoying it more with him.

Everything felt like a dream where I was the princess and he was my prince. But only did I know It wasn't going to last long. Today I was his and I wanted to love him for the last time before everything falls apart.

"I am glad that you are here with me." Adrian said looking into my eyes and giving me the sweetest smile.

I smiled back, I wanted to say that I am more than glad to be here with him. But the words that left my mouth had a question I couldn't control anymore to ask.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Humm", He nodded.

"Why of all the beautiful girls you chose me?"

For a brief moment, he just looked into my eyes. I could see the depths of his emotions, there was a glint of sadness. Something that was new to me. Then he just laughed and said, "The answer is simple Elsie".

"The moment I saw you for the first time,
I knew you would be my forever."


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