Ch 7 Ugly

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Blue walls.

I saw blue walls first as I opened the door of my room. I smiled a little, To be able to get back to my blue corner after everything feels nice.

The colour fits well with the rainstorm outside.
It is just like my life, thundering and raining.

I entered and saw Anna in her pyjamas. She was staring
at me. Her eyes showing pity,
I guess.

"Is it true?" Anna abruptly asked me.


"The breakup, You and Adrian?" She questioned eying me. Eager to know the status of my life.

I sighed. She must have heard it. I was weeping like a dog there.

I told my mom that Adrian and I broke up. But didn't mention that I was the one to break the ties. I don't think I have the courage to tell her, why.

She told me it's ok. You will find a better one. Well, that is never gonna happen.

Because Adrian was the only one.

But I am sure Anna wouldn't have the same reaction.
I didn't want to tell her because she's a different issue to deal with.

But I guess, I don't have a choice now.

"Yeah, It is true". I answered, not even interested in replying to her.

"It's sad" She tried to show some sympathy but clearly failed so.

Anna Grey is not the one to show sympathy or pity.

"So, Adrian just got bored of you or what?" She chuckled sarcastically.

At this, the switch inside me flipped. The patience I had held for so long just ended here.

I am so done with Anna. She never had any idea about my life. And now, she is just making fun of me.

"Adrian didn't do anything, Anna. I did it". I snapped at her sharply.

"What!?" Her eyebrows twitched in confusion.
"Excuse me, You did what?"

"I broke up with him, Haven't you heard it". I shouted at her.

As if my words fetched horror in her. She just looked at me, eyes wide open in complete shock.

I didn't expect her to be this surprised.

For a complete minute, Anna was left speechless. I liked it that I was the one to shut her up.

Then suddenly out of the blue, she started clapping intensely.

"Very good, Elsie! Bravo."
She clapped and laughed on my face. "You did an amazing job".

"You know, you just broke the record.

Apart from everything stupid you have done in your life. This was the best". She laughed.

I couldn't believe her. How could she? Tears started to bubble up in my eyes.

"Why are you doing this, Anna?" I pleaded her. I had enough of heartbreak today.

"Why am I doing this, Elise?"
She answered me sourly.

"What are you doing? Just
look at yourself". She almost yelled at me.

"I used to think you are dumb, but you proved that you are the biggest fool living on this earth". Anna laughed harshly.

Her words were stinging like sharp needles in me. She always does this. She always gets a reason to prove me wrong on everything.

"You must be happy, hunn?
After all, you always thought how a boy like Adrian fell for me instead of you." I answered her bitterly.

The frustration in her voice now shifted to anger,
"Do you wanna do this now, Elsie?"

"Yeah, tell me hunn. Now, what's stopping you?"

"You are a complete waste, Elsie. Nothing but a stupid, useless, dumb girl who just knows two things"

"How to cry and How to run away from everything.

And this is what you did to Adrian, isn't it?"

I stood there looking at her, tears in my eyes. She can never understand me. Never.

"I don't need to explain you anything Anna. Just mind your own business".

The urge to slap her face was just around the corner but my words seems to do that job. She was looking hurt. Hurt like she hurted me.

"You know what Elsie?
You didn't do anything to me. You just ruined the only thing that made you happy".

"Why am I even surprised? You always do this. Right?

Push people away because you cannot handle yourself."

"And what you do?" I hit back at her, "Always prove you are the best? Make people think they are nothing like you!"

"At least I take my
responsibilities seriously.

Not like you, sleeping in a fucking bed all the time like a

Anna spitted her rage at me. Which to me were nothing but more hate for having a dumb sister.

"Believe me Elsie, To leave Adrian, The person who loved you like hell.

Was the worst thing you ever did to yourself."

"You ruined yourself Elsie and you are so gonna regret it!"

I hate the truth in her words.
She may be right but why do all this drama? Fake sympathy. I didn't asked for her free suggestions.

"Why do you even care, hunn?

You never cared about me, then why show me this fakeness?"

My words hit her and for the first time in so long, I saw the glint of tears in her eyes.
Now faking to cry. Wow?

"You are right Elsie, I don't care.

You know what? Just go to hell and cry like you always do".

With this, she slammed the door in rage and went away.

Why does she always do this, everything I do is wrong in her eyes. She may be right but, she didn't know why I did it.

She never understood my pain. She was always busy living her perfect life.


Author's Note :

Please tell me if the story is getting boring or what. If it is I must do something then.

Just keep reading :)

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