Chapter 7- Eager Eyes

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Playlist for the chapter

This side of paradise-Coyote Theory
Sweet- cigarettes after sex

Enjoy this chapter!!

December 30th,2011- Hershey, Pennsylvania
"Why doesn't it hurt?" I ask Kelley as she's examining my now purple and swollen finger

"Well we just had ice on it for like 20 minutes and there is a really good chance it's broken" she explains as I shake my head

"No I mean when I think about my dad, and what happened to him. Why doesn't it hurt?" I ask as she sits down next to me at the table

"It's grief mags, your mind is trying to shut out what happened. That's why you don't feel the emotions" she responds as i nod

"When is it going to hurt?"

"I don't know kid, only time can tell. And everyone grieves differently" she says and gives me a hug

"I'm scared, that's all I'm feeling." I say quietly as she continues hugging

"We are right here for you Maggie, your going to be ok" she promises


When I opened the door I saw the meeting table in the middle with Charles and who I assumed to be his pr manager on one side, Samantha sitting at the head of the table and Freya sitting across from Charles pr manager with an open seat next to her

"Can we begin?" Charles asked his tone laced with impatience and anger

The meeting wasn't supposed to start until 11 and it's currently 11:02.
I was two minutes late and he was all upset. However I kept all my professionalism and moved foward

"Yeah, sorry about that.we can just go right ahead. I'm Magnolia Carter I'm the Director of marketing at ALFA we can start with the basics of the content agreement" I say placing my stuff down and sitting across from Charles
I gesture for Freya to start because she had to cover this segment of the meeting

" I'm Freya Driscoll, co director of marketing. The base line of the agreement is similar to that of the Williams agreement with Duracell. During certain race weekends we will have certain content challenges that will be completed. YouTube videos and social media challenges to be exact." She begins as I open the file and grab out the the first contract that must be signed

"In the contract it states the agreement to complete this marketing strategy, it also shows the races where we want the challenge's completed." Freya explains

Charles's eyes skim the document then shoot up after something catches his eye

"Why do we have Monaco on here, don't we have enough content stuff during that weekend" he asks staring directly at me

"Samantha..." I speak as Samantha looks up from her laptop slightly lowering it

"We know it's less than ideal, we understand the importance of the Monaco Grand Prix and that many content opportunities open. But we've worked with the Ferrari content team to make the schedule as bearable as possible" she says as he rolls his eyes

I hand over the next contact

"This is the release clause, we are not technically authorized to activate this document but it has to be kept on file" I explain

"Release cause meaning what?" Charles's PR manager asks

"If you guys seriously hate this once we get into the season then there is a way to get out of this content stuff. But i personally would advise against it, it's a lot more work than just doing the content"i respond as she nods

"What does the process entail?" Charles asked

"Agreement from both you and Carlos's side, majority vote of Ferrari Content and marketing department, we have to process the documents which could take anywhere from 1 week to 3 months and also Freya and I have to sign the documents after they get processed" I explain as he scoffs

Freya kicks my foot as I open my mouth to say something about his attitude

"We strongly advise against activating the release clause, just going through with the content procedures is a lot less work in the long run on both ends" Freya says with a smile on her face

"Well to me it's sounds like it's more work on your end you just not willing to do." He says in a snarky tone with a smirk on his face watching me intently as I open my mouth and yet again Freya kicks my foot

"There are two options here, sign the contract or don't, it makes a lot less work that I really would rather not do if you don't" I huff as he picks up a pen

"You should've started with that. We could've been done here a lot sooner"he remarks

I scoff quietly and wait for him to sign, after his PR manager signs the release clause they both stand up as does Freya

In a respectable business relationship, you would shake hands with whoever you are meeting with after the conclusion of the meeting.

However I didn't feel any sort of respect so I remained seated as Charles shook Freyas hand

"Please do not hesitate to call if you need anythingl " she says as the begin to exit

"Don't wait by the phone" he says and leaves as I roll my eyes

"Yeah I really can't wait to work with him" i scoff and stand up to grab the coffee Samantha brought into the room

" I'm sure Carlos will be better" Freya says optimistically

"If he's not I will quit my job" I joke a Samantha laughs

"Why are people in Monaco so snobby, I don't understand" Samantha says

"Right! Like in America there was like groups but it's Monaco's whole population" I laugh as Freya clears her throat

"With the exception of you"I tell her as she smiles

A knock comes from the door and I walk over to open it

"Hey there, welcome to ALFA headquarters!" I exclaim opening the doors to Carlos and his PR manager

"Hola!, I'm Carlos and this Taryn My PR manager!" He says cheerfully as I step back to allow them to walk into the office

"I'm Magnolia Carter , director of marketing, this is Freya Driscoll co director. So, this shouldn't take very long at all. We just have to get you to sign 4 papers and listen to the agreement then you can be on your merry way" I say as he nods and sits down

"Go ahead and begin Freya" I urge her as she's seemingly zoned out

When she snaps back she explains the same thing she explained to Charles, then I explained my part and all Carlos and Taryns questions were answered by Samantha, after that they signed everything that needed to be signed and the meeting concluded

"I need to stay back to discuss something with Samantha so just give me 5 minutes" Taryn says to Carlos as he nods

"Maggie, I have to go to the meeting with that lady from the brand we are supply with computers. I'll see you later tonight okay?"

"You won't be back?" I ask

"The meeting is in nice at 1 so I was planning on going there then just going home so I can be back by 4 to shower and get food" she says as I nod

"Okay, drive safe. I'll see you" I say as she waved and walks out the door

I walk out of the meeting room and just before I can open my office door I feel a tap on my shoulder

"Hello!" Carlos exclaims

"Hey there" I laugh as he smiles

"Sorry to come off strong, but do you want to go grab a coffee really quick" he asks and I glance at the clock

"Sure as long as I'm back here by 2:30 I'm good" I say as he smiles

"Great, got any good suggestions" he asks as I walk into my office to grab my purse and put down the rest of my stuff

" I have an idea" I say exiting once more closing the door behind me


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