Chapter 4- Heartbeat

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Playlist for this chapter:

Cayendo- Frank Ocean

For this chapter I think I'm only putting one song because it isn't very long and if the song ends and your still reading you could grab one of the songs from last chapter


When you lose someone you love, it's almost impossible to shake it. Especially if you were there when they passed, and even more if it was something as traumatic as what happened the night of December 23rd 2011.

I was old enough to understand what was going on and I to this day I wish I used my head and didn't just stand there and watch as my father slipped away in a matter of minutes right before my eyes

I remember dropping to his side and watching the life slowly fade out of him as I watched and couldn't do anything but cry and watch him go

That's what's impossible to shake, the feeling of helplessness on top of pain.

November 23rd 2022- Qatar

"Well that was pretty frustrating" i sigh standing up and stretching my back after the full time whistle was blown

The match ended in a draw between England and the United States of America 0-0

Which is better than losing but it was the fact the US men's team would be under pressure for the next match against Iran

Points during this match would've been favorable for the US but to no avail.

"That was a tough one" Devyn recites and stretches her back aswell

"Better a draw than a loss" mark say optimistically but we all know Christian will be less than thrilled with the result to this match

"I have to go down to the field Christian wants me to meet someone but I will see you guys out there" I say waving to them making my way to the stairs

As I walk onto the field I get an odd since of adrenaline almost as if I could go do a backhand spring

"No way! Mags Carter is literally at my game wearing my jersey, I'm fan girling" Weston says from behind me

I swat his shoulder as he pulls me to a hug

"I seem to have misplaced my jersey and I want to wear Chris's for the next game. Your was my last resort" I joke as he laughs

"How've you been Maggie?" He asks as we begin walking towards Christian who was on the opposite end of the field talking with Jude Bellingham and Mason Mount.

"I've been better, but I'm surviving"i says shrugging my shoulders

"What's up" he asks

"Work, the last day and a half had been stressful as fuck. Like worse than when ALFA got sued." I explain as he nods

"I saw online, the Ferrari Sponsorship?" He asks


"Aren't you head of marketing don't you have to sign off on sponsorships, you couldn't have just said no?"

"Funny thing, I wasn't there when the consulted with my department. I had no knowledge until 2 days ago, I left early on Sunday from work so that's when the proposal was brought up, apparently the host made a last minute decision and got my coworker to sign because she co director" I say as we hear the group

"Yeah I'd be angry if I was you too," he laughs as Christian turns around

"Why are we angry" Christian asks spinning around yo face Weston and I

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