Chapter 50- flipped

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"Okay so he asks on the note: What happened to our deal Ms. America?, and such deal involved you taking a walk with him before qualifying. However you say you saw him with another girl possibly in a romantic way." Lando asks reviewing our topic for the last half an hour walking back and fourth in the room

"Yeah, could you sit down or just stand still, it makes me nervous" I ask

"The girl, is she kinda tall, brown hair. Looks like his ex girlfriend" he asks

"Yeah." I confirm

"Okay so her name is Alex, I know her and Charlotte used to be friends, I don't know anything else about her" he shrugs as I nod

"Are they a thing?" I ask

"Maybe, I don't really know." He sighs

We both stay in silence before he gasps

" I know who might" he says and pulls my arm and pulls me out of the driver room

"You have to be back in an hour, just letting you know" I say as he drags me out the motorhone

"Just hush for like 10 minutes, we need to go to the paddock club" he says

"Okay" I shrug

We walk for 5 ish minutes a until we reach the entrance to the paddock club and get through rather fast as lando begins looking through the sea of people and spots one in particular.

"Charlotte! Hey, how have you been" he asks ya king me with him

"Hey Lando, I'm good! What's up?" She asks with the sweetest smile on her face

"Well so, basically this is my friend Magnolia Carter." He says pausing as she smiles and shakes my hand and I smile back

"How are you?" She asks

"Good, you?" I ask

"Great, what's going on, how can I be of assistance?" She asks as lando grins

"Maggie here has some questions" he says as i quietly sigh


"That's the extent of my knowledge on the situation, Alex and I were friends but now I'd say we are more acquaintances rather than friends." She says as I nod in response

Lando had left as soon as Charlotte and I sat down to talk, saying he had too use the bathroom but I knew he just wanted to go away from the situation.

"Were you and Charles a thing?" She asks

"I mean, I thought so but I don't think him and I thought the same thing." I answer as she nods

"Can I tell you a secret?" She asks me

"Go ahead" I respond

"The reason Charles and I broke up was because PR completely controlled our relationship, and contrary to the knowledge of our break up. I broke up with him in early November." She begins

"But you were at all the rest of the races no?" I ask as she nods

"That was pr, do you see what I mean? If it was up to me I wouldn't have gone, I would've supported him from home,and quitely at that. But pr got to us first and that's what ruined everything." She says

"So you think this is pr?" I ask

"If the shoe fits" she shrugs as I laugh

"Look I can tell that you are a really sweet girl and I know you care about him. But He's gonna do what they say because it's Ferrari, that's his life." She says as I nod

"I really appreciate you saying that. And honestly thanks for talking to me in general, most people would just talk to the girl who had a fling with their ex" I smile

"Yeah I'm a helper. I would do anything to just help someone out." She says

"Well I should get back to mclaren, but thank you so much for talking with me." I smile standing up in the process as she does the same

"Anytime, if you ever have any questions just send me a dm and I'll respond with an answer if I can give you one" she says giving me a small hug

"Okay, thank you again." I say as she waves and I head out

I walk all the way back to mclaren just thinking about what Charlotte just said, I was confused about the PR thing given the fact I thought liv mansged his pr relations and she wouldn't do this.

"How was It?"' Lando asks as I sit next to him in the garage

"It was good, thanks for helping me. I know it's odd sort of teaming up against your friend." I sigh as he shakes his head

"It's okay. It helps you so it can't be all that bad." He smiles as i nod

"Have you seen mason today?" I ask him as he shakes his head

"Aw your gonna have to wait to see him now. How unfortunate"

"I'll make it" he laughs as I smile

Just then my phone rings and it's a call from João, Much to my shock.

"Give me a second Lando." I say standing up and walking to the screens just a few feet away from Lando

"Hello?" I ask as I answer

"Hey, I don't want to bother but I had a quick question." He begins

"Okay" I respond

"Do you know if Lando is possibly with Magui?" He asks as i spin around to look at Lando

"Do you mean now or?" I ask

"Oh no not now, just like over the weekend?" He states

"Well I don't think so, I know they were together yesterday but not like in a romantic way, they just met and were with Pierre and Kika. I don't think you have anything to worry about" I reassure

"I'm not worried, we broke up. I just wanted to know if she was already with someone else" he says

"Well to my knowledge they are just friends, if you can even say that. Maybe I'd say acquaintances" I chuckle

"Sorry to just call so out of the blue,and especially just to talk about her." He says

"No it's fine,I'm glad you called actually" I say with a smile creeping onto my face

"Oh yeah? Why is that?" He asks

"I don't know, it's just good to talk to you" I say as he laughs

"Well look I'm about to go into phyisio, but I'll text you later" he says as I nod

"Okay, talk soon" I say taking the phone off my ear and hang up

"Back so soon" Lando chuckles

"Quick call, also I'm not working next weekend so what do you say I hangout with you the whole weekend?" I ask as he shrugs

"I've got nothing better to do" he chuckled as I nod

My Fire -Charles Leclerc Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang