Chapter 30- common misdemeanors

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Charles pov:

After I walked Magnolia to her car I made my way back to mine.

Being with her was almost like a breath of fresh air, she was so real and I felt like I could just be myself. I hadn't felt that way in a long time so it felt great.

As for my feelings towards her, even though I agreed to no feelings I knew there was something there. I wouldn't go as far as to say I would date her but if this kept up my feeling would be there soon. But I knew she didn't want that, when we talked last night she just said she didn't especially want to be in a relationship hence the no feelings thing but she didn't talk about her previous relationship and I didn't want to ask.

I got into my car and saw a message from Pierre

Charles mate
You got spotted again
You and magnolia are now on f1.wags instagram
Kika just showed me

I mean we are just friends so it doesn't matter

Yeah "friends"

I didn't tell you that secret so you could make fun

Well I don't know why you told me then

Your stupid
Anyway I need you to ask kika for a flower recommendation

Flowers Charles?
You may aswell ask her out already

No no
It's part of our deal
I get her flowers and she goes on walks with me

I'll ask kika
But I'm just letting you know
Your basically in love

Shut up

March 31st,2023- Melbourne, Australia
10:43 pm
Magnolia pov:

"Freya which dress do I do white or pink?" I asks and she groans

"Budget plan magnolia."

"White it is" I say and quickly order my dress for Easter. I was flying back to the United States to Jupiter exactly for Easter with The Pulisic's, minus Christian and Chloe, Gios Girlfriend would be there too.

I was super excited because I was going to see Chloe and I hadn't spoken to her much since January so I was estatic to say the least

"Budget plan" she repeats

"Okay, everythinf needs to go down 20% with the exception of social media ads, they have to stay up or we won't be able to run our normal ads" I say and she nods typing on the laptop

"Make a note that the money granted is sufficiently more than what we are budgeting for so we have room to go over" I instruct

"Why was it 10% cut, like honestly it's so dumb because we may aswell just go to 50." She sighs

"Don't wish that, please. Tgats my worst nightmare times 20"

"I'm just saying, it seems pointless no?" She asks as I shrug

"When are you going to see your cousins?" I ask her

"After qualifying tomorrow, they are like 30 minutes away from the track so it's perfect." She explains

"Your gonna have so much fun. Booooo" I chuckle and get off the bed to grab my water bottle

"You could always come with me." She says

My Fire -Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now