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Shruthi got up late next day morning.It was 9 am and her dad did not wake her up since he thought she would be tired.
She went downstairs and found her dad getting ready for office.

"Dad I thought you would spent time with me ",she said

"Yes dear.I am going to be with you tomorrow and day after.I will finish all the work today so I can be free tomorrow",he promised.

She knew how busy her dad was.At least he took efforts to be with her so it was ok if he was gone for one day she thought.

"Ok dad you carry on.Anyway you are going to be with me for two days",she said.
He patted her head and left for office
She went into the kitchen and found Rajamma washing vessels.She went near her and hugged her from behind.
She turned around in shock but when she saw Shruthi her face softened.She smiled at her and asked,"How are you Shruthi.It has been 6 months since I saw you",

"Am fine Raji ma.I have missed you so much.How are you?",asked Shruthi.

"What fine? See how thin you have become.You are not eating properly.You stay here for a month and I will make you plumpy again",she said

"Raji ma.I am the same.I have not become thin or fat.I look thin because you keep worrying about me and you are seeing me only after 6 months",she said holding Rajamma's shoulders.

She pushed Shruthi's hands from her shoulders and said"NO I know how my girl looks.You have become thin",she said pretending to argue.

"Ok ok You are always right about me.I grew thin all right.Cook all that you can in these 3 days and make me fat",she said.

"You are going to stay only for 3 days",she asked looking sad.

"It was a sudden trip.Next time I will plan a big holiday.ok?",she said.

Rajamma smiled faintly and placed the breakfast on the table.
She had made idly with egg gravy one of Shruthi's favourite.She ate her breakfast without delay.

She whiled away her time by walking on the terrace,watering the plants and watching tv.
She took her mobile and was glancing through her contacts.When she saw Raghav's name she stopped swiping the screen.
She called him at once.
"Hello",he said cheerfully.
"Hai Raghav",she said.

"Did you by mistake dial my number instead of Vishwa's number",he asked.

"No.I called to talk to you",she said

"So what's up.How is your dad and your town?",he asked.

"Ya good",she answered.

"Why are you sounding dull.Missing your lover boy?",he asked.

"Ohhhh shut up.I am not that type",she said.

Raghav burst out laughing and Shruthi joined him.
"He stopped using that now a days.Seems like you kept screwing his ear until he forgot that sentence",he said.

Shruthi laughed again.
"Then tell me Shruthi.I know you won't call without a reason.So what is it",he asked.

"We had a deal remember",she asked.
Raghav raised his eyebrow.

"Did we?",he asked smiling.

"Yes we did.I have told you my half but you ran away before you told me your half of the story",she said.

"Really?.Shruthi baby.You know I met with an accident recently and the doctor said I am suffering from selective amnesia.So I don't remember about any deal",he said.

"If I was near you now,I would strangle you",she said

"Ok ok don't get mad.I will tell you",he said.

"You remember the day when some guys bullied you",he asked.

"Yes.Why?",she asked confused.

"That day night,Vishwa called me.He said we have some rough work to do.It is a code word which means we are going to hit the crap out of someone.",he said.

Shruthi was shocked.She listened in silence.
"He got mad when you told him what happened.
We got into a fight with those guys and that is how we got those bruises on our arm.
His forehead started bleeding and I took him to the hospital.He did not want you to know so he stayed in my apartment",he finished.

"Why would you two do that.I don't understand",she asked.

"He told me he did not want any other girl to get hurt like you but that is not true",he said.

"What do you mean?",she asked.

"He did it for you and I did it for him",he finished

Before she could say something,he said,"Hey I got to go.My team mates are waiting.I'll catch up with you later"

"Ok bye",she said.

That was too much information.He said he does not like girls like me but he cares so much for me.Was Raghav saying the truth or was he teasing like he always does.We had a deal and I believe he told me the truth she thought.

She could not believe but could not hide the happiness.Viswa likes me she thought and smiled.This is like an honour for every girl.When a smart ,intelligent ,well settled guy who is not interested in girls likes you,you really feel privileged.Whether you like him or not doesn't matter but the feeling of a girl when a guy falls for her is heavenly.She enjoyed that feeling.It was enough to make her day happy.

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