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It was 1.00pm when Shruthi got a call from her dad.She took half a day "off" so that she could spend time with him. Her dad was already at the restaurant when she arrived there.

"Hai dad",she said brightly"How was your meeting?"

"It went well my dear.We have signed the contract",he said pride apparent on his face.

She did not ask more details because she did not want to excite her dad and spend the whole afternoon talking about his business deals.

"That's great dad.I know what you are capable of",she said proudly.

They ordered their lunch and chatted about the life in a big city and a small town.
After having their lunch her father informed her that he had some work so he had to return to the hotel.

"Dad just having lunch and dinner with me is all that you came here for?",she accused him.
Mr.Pankaj looked at her astonished.

"I thought you had to get back to your office",he said softly.

"No dad.I don't have to go.I took a half a day "off" so I could spend quality time with you",she said.

Mr.Pankaj was surprised at first.He was moved by this.He did not expect this but felt like he was the happiest man in the world.

"I never expected you to care for me this much",he said honestly.

"Of course I love you and care for you dad.You are all the family I have", she said and hugged him.

He hugged her and said"I know I am very over protective and you get irritated about it but it is for your own good.I don't want to lose you",he said sadly.

"I know dad.I love you for what you are",she said

He patted her head and kissed her forehead.He has not felt that peaceful and happy in all his life.

She took him to a park.Though he refused to come at first he enjoyed walking around and talking to his daughter.He felt very relaxed.

Then they went to the mall and spent 3 hours together.He bought her all that she wanted and finally when they were tired they decided to have dinner.

She informed Sara to come to the mall.They went for a 5D movie just to kill time till Sara joins them.

Mr.Pankaj felt like a child who was enjoying his life thoroughly.

Sara joined them shortly.They had dinner together. Mr.Pankaj was very happy and Sara found that unusual.He neither made harsh comments on anyone nor advised the girls about anything.She wondered what could have happened to him.

Shruthi experienced the perfect life she wanted.She was independent and her dad was not over protective atleast for one day.

Mr.Pankaj was surprised at how familiar his daughter was with the places in the city.She could travel alone and was more confident now than she was with him.
He thought that sending her to a new city was a mistake but now he had no regrets.

He dropped them at their apartment and left for his hotel not before advising her about not roaming late at nights.

Sara rolled her eyes and Shruthi smiled to herself.Dad was himself again. Nothing could stop him from worrying about her but the difference was she did not get irritated like she usually does.

"Take care baby.I will be leaving to our town early tomorrow.Try to come there and spend time with me when you are free",he said.

"Sure dad",said Shruthi honestly.

Sara and Shruthi waved him bye and got into their apartment.

Sara found the gift Mr.Pankaj gave Shruthi yesterday."Aren't you going to open this",she asked looking curious.

Shruthi looked at it and felt guilty.She was too terrified and tired yesterday to open it.She hurried to it and opened it.It was a photo frame of their family photo.
Her mom was smiling brightly.Shruthi was sitting next to her and her dad stood behind them smiling.The photo was taken one month before her mom passed away.She wiped the tear which tried to escape from her eyes.Sara squeezed her shoulder to comfort her.

"That is a lovely gift ",said Sara
Shruthi just nodded and smiled at the photo.

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