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STEVE'S ORIGINAL PLAN for the night was to have nancy leave, then him and robin were going to have their 'party'. however, those plans changed when robin requested nancy to be there.

"steve," robin whispered once nancy walked off to the bathroom.

"hm?" steve replied, looking over at robin.

"you should invite nancy to our plans tonight"

"okay," he nodded. "are you two best friends now?"

"kinda," robin smiled, "don't worry, i'm not replacing you. she's just...really sweet. i see why you like her"

"well...i don't really like her anymore. not like that. but she's an amazing person"

"she is"

nancy came walking back into the living room shortly after, and the group finished their movies. when it was getting later, nancy stood up after their movie got over.

"well, i should probably leave you two so you can do whatever plans you have for the night"

"actually, we're just gonna hang around and drink. we're gonna smoke a bit too. you're welcome to join," steve invited.

"i'm down if robin's fine with me staying"

"i'm fine with that," robin smiled.

steve stood from the couch and went back to the kitchen. he grabbed the bottles of alcohol he had gotten for the night, as well as the weed he had gotten. he grabbed a few bottles of soda for them to use as chasers.

"we can drink in here," steve instructed as he walked back into the living room, setting the bottles on the table, "but let's smoke outside"

"sounds good to me," robin replied, sitting up in her seat. steve poured the vodka into three different cups, passing one to each person. they all began to drink from their cups, cracking open their bottles of soda shortly after.

they sat around for a while, drinking w few cups each. they went out into the backyard next, bringing the blunts with them. they sat in steve's pool chairs on the patio, and lit the blunt.

steve passed it to robin, and she was instantly reminded of her night with vickie months ago. since then, she had smoked weed again- vickie's doing- but she actually liked it.

"y'know that party we had months ago with all of us, argyle, jonathan, and vickie?" robin questioned, breaking the silence.

"yeah?" steve and nancy responded in sync.

robin took a hit from the blunt, inhaling it before speaking. the smoke flowed out of her mouth as she talked. "vickie like totally peer pressured me into smoking that night"

"what?" steve asked, sitting up in his chair.

"yeah. i told her i didn't want it but she wanted me to do it. in school when they taught about peer pressure, i thought it was fake. like, who actually gives into that? but nah," she passed the blunt to nancy. "shit's real"

"i'm gonna kill her," steve threatened, clearly pissed off.

"wait," nancy interrupted, "is that why you were crying when i found you?"

"when was she crying?"

"like shortly after i smoked that weed. i went into the house and cried in your living room," robin answered.

"shit....i'm sorry, rob. i didn't even know"

"it's okay, nancy found me. but i wasn't really crying because of the peer pressure thing. it was reminding me of the russians, like i told you. but i wouldn't have been crying about the russians if vickie didn't pressure me to. so yeah, technically it was her fault," robin rambled. "but it's fine. i like it now"

"she's still a dick for forcing you to smoke," nancy said.

"yeah. i still wanna kill her"

"she deserves it, but i don't want you to go to jail," robin replied.


they continued to pass the blunt around until it ran out. they put it out on the concrete before going back inside. they talked on the couch and watched movies, only stopping when they could no longer hold their eyes open.

nancy and robin decided to share a room, and steve went to his room. nancy and robin changed into pajamas- nancy wore robin's clothes since she didn't plan on sleeping over- and climbed into bed.

they turned the light off and faced different ways, trying to sleep. robin couldn't sleep, though, her brain was thinking about vickie too much. she kept replaying the memory of vickie and dan kissing in her head over and over again.

then she remembered what vickie had said to her. thinking about it made her tear up, which led her to start crying. nancy could feel robin's body shaking, and she looked over at her.

"robin? are you okay?" nancy asked, flipping to her other side to face robin.

robin just cried more, and nancy put her arm on robin's shoulder. she rubbed her hand back and forth softly in attempt to soothe her.

"rob?" she whispered softly.

"i'm sorry," robin whispered back, turning to her other side to face nancy. "i was just thinking about...."

"about her?" nancy asked, finishing her sentence. robin nodded. "she didn't deserve you"

robin just looked at nancy, making eye contact with her. their faces were only inches apart.

"i know it sounds cliche," nancy continued, "being like 'oh she didn't deserve you', but it's true. she really didn't. you're awesome. you're funny, you're kind, you're caring, you're beautiful. she seriously lost out. you are one of the best people i've ever met, robin. you're a genuine person- you're just you. she should have never done this to you. nobody deserves it, especially not you. she sucks, she really sucks. and i wish she didn't, because you seemed so happy with her. but you shouldn't let her take away all your happiness. you can be sad- you have reason to- but you should try to be happy sometimes too. she doesn't deserve to be able to take all your happiness away like that"

robin was speechless, but her tears had stopped. a smile had formed on her face. "you really mean all that?"

"every last word," nancy smiled back.

"thank you. you're an amazing friend"

"you are too"

they looked into each other's eyes for a minute, just staring at each other. eventually, robin closed her eyes, unable to hold them open anymore. she fell asleep, leaving nancy in the quiet, dark room.

"i think i love you," nancy whispered, admitting it out loud for the first time.

if only robin was awake to hear it.


a/n: hi guys !! enjoy some ronance as an apology for ghosting yall for a few days <33 sorry about that, i had a busy weekend. i started my new job today !! so fun. almost fought a bitch but it was good other than that !

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