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THE NEXT MORNING, the first thing robin did was check her snapchat for a text from vickie. she yawned as she slid to her chats and saw a new chat from vickie an hour ago.

good morning!

sorry just woke up lol

you're good
i usually wake up pretty early

i'm not really a morning person

i go to bed so early
i'm like a grandma lol

also i checked my schedule
i'm free like for the next few days
wait no not tomorrow
but after that

are you free today?


wanna hang today?


ok, how about like
at 1?

what are we gonna do?

wanna go to the park?
we could have a picnic

i can't drive

i'll pick you up
send your address

robin sent her address to vickie- earning a thumbs up from vickie's end- and got out of bed. the clock on her nightstand read 11:39am. that gave her a little over a little under an hour and twenty minutes to get ready. she went to her bathroom to take a quick body-shower, then began getting ready.

she brushed her hair and teeth, threw on a small bit of makeup, and picked out an outift. she chose jeans and a t-shirt. simple, but cute. she put on her converse- a beige pair steve had bought her. once she was ready, the time on her clock was 12:52pm. she had around 8 minutes until vickie was there to pick her up.

she decided to facetime steve to update him on what was going on. the call rang for a few, before steve finally picked up.

"hey rob," steve said, and robin quickly noticed he wasn't at home. she could hear other people talking in the background, and could see the sky above him.

"hey steve. i don't have long to talk but i still wanted to call you," robin explained.

"where you going? you can't drive"

"vickie's picking me up. we're going to the park"

"oh, really? what park?"

"the one kinda by your place, why?" she asked, giving him a confused look.

"i'm at the park too"

"oh, cool! don't spy on me"

"i won't," steve laughed. "but i'll talk to you later. i have to go"

"okay, bye dingus," robin said.

"bye rob," steve waved before ending the call.

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