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ROBIN TRIED TO enjoy the rest of her night, even though the thoughts of the russians were still gnawing at the back of her brain. she ended up drinking a few beers to get the thoughts out of her head. it didn't work completely, but it still helped.

nancy had been right- steve got a bit too drunk. he was being loud and annoying the whole night, but robin found it funny. the only reason she was amused was because she was also a little too drunk.

she was definitely in a better mood. she was laughing, smiling, and very talkative. she was also flirting with vickie a lot, so the alcohol definitely gave her a confidence boost.

eventually, they all got tired. they decided to go inside and go to sleep. robin and vickie were going to share robin's room, jonathan and nancy were going to the guest bedroom, and argyle was going to stay in steve's room.

steve and argyle had become close during the night. they talked about random things, but ultimately got along really well. steve offered to let argyle stay in his room with him, and argyle happily agreed.

robin changed out of her swimsuit in the bathroom while vickie changed in robin's room. robin had let vickie pick out something from her closet, since vickie hadn't planned on staying over. robin changed into an oversized t-shirt she stole from steve and some shorts. vickie changed into one of robin's sweatshirts with and pair of pajama pants.

vickie and robin were now in robin's bed, watching a random movie vickie found on netflix. they were facing each other, but still had room in between then. every so often, robin and vickie would glance at each other, and then back at the movie.

"i'm really confused," robin laughed.

"me too"

robin looked at vickie, and the two made eye contact. if robin was sober, she wouldn't kiss vickie right now- she usually didn't make the first move. but she wasn't sober, so she leaned in and kissed her.

vickie immediately kissed her back, and they made out for a few minutes, only taking a short break for air halfway through. when they pulled away, robin smiled at her.

"i really like you," robin admitted to her.

vickie smiled. "i really like you too"

they kissed again and again, before they both decided to go to sleep. robin flipped over to face away from vickie- she always slept on her left side- and vickie cuddled her. they both fell asleep quickly.


robin's head was pounding from the second she woke up the next morning. she groaned to herself, putting a hand on her head as if it would stop the pain. then, the nausea hit her. she had to practically sprint to her bathroom before throwing up in the toilet.

robin heard a knock coming from the hallway door into the bathroom. her bathroom in steve's house had two entrances- one in the hallway and one in her room. she tried to speak to say it was occupied, but she only threw up more.

"robin? is that you?" nancy asked from outside. she heard a quiet, weak 'yes' come from inside the bathroom. "are you dressed? i'm coming in"

when robin didn't protest, nancy opened the door to the bathroom. she rushed over to robin, leaving the door open in the process, and pulled back robin's hair for her.

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