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THE FIRST THING steve did when they got back to his house was get robin an ice pack. he instructed her to lay on the couch and gave her the ice pack, which he had wrapped in a towel for her.

robin began crying again as she thought about vickie cheating on her. steve put a hand on her shoulder as he crouched in front of her.

"vickie sucks," he said, trying to comfort her. she nodded, agreeing completely. "what can i do to make you feel better?"

robin shrugged. "kill me"

"not happening. how about i go get you some of your favorite things? you can stay here. i'll get someone to come over so you aren't alone"

"i don't need a babysitter"

"you won't get a babysitter. i'll have a friend come over," he replied, texting someone on his phone. "okay, a friend will be coming over. is there anything you want specifically?"

"ummm...get some alcohol. honestly, i wouldn't mind trying weed again. oh! and some snacks. please"

"it's 5pm, it's not time to get drunk. how about we have a party- just us two- tonight for the drinking and smoking"

"whenever you want, just get the stuff"

"okay," steve agreed, sitting back down on the couch while he waited for his friend to get there.

about ten minutes later, him and robin heard the door open, and someone step in. they heard footsteps all the way down the hall, until the person stepped around the corner.

it was nancy.

nancy's heart broke when she saw robin on the couch, still crying. she didn't know what happened, steve only told her robin was upset and needed someone with her while he ran errands.

"hey, nance," steve greeted. "i won't be out long. robin, try talking to nancy about what happened"

robin nodded and steve left, leaving nancy alone with robin. nancy waited until she heard his car drive away before she started talking to robin.

"hey..." she said, walking over to the couch. "you don't have to do what steve says- y'know, tell me anything. but i'm here if you want to. it's up to you"

"will talking about it help?" robin asked, looking up at nancy.

"it might"

"okay...i guess i should at least try," robin took a deep breathe before beginning her story. she started from vickie cancelling on her, and ended at her and steve getting back in his car in the library parking lot.

nancy's jaw was dropped when robin's story ended, stunned by what robin told her. "oh my god.....are you okay?"

robin gave nancy a look, and nancy knew what it meant. it was robin's 'what do you think?' stare. "right. that was a dumb question....let me rephrase it. is your face okay? how much does it hurt?"

"it's swollen a bit and it's throbbing. so i'd say, definitely hurts a lot"

"i'm sorry this happened to you," nancy apologized.

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