Chapter 38 - Tiffany X Liliana (End)

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Third Person PoV

Tiffany watched as George was dragged into the house. Blaire stood behind her sister and wondered what Tiffany did.

"Blaire, you should go. I don't want my sister to see what I'm about to do."

Blaire chuckled.

"Tiff, that's absurd. Why would I leave when it's just getting started? Don't worry about me. Just do what you have to do. I'll take care of the aftermath later."

Tiffany smiled before strutting toward George, who was fairly confused about why he was there.

"Let me go, you bitch!"

Tiffany used the back of her hand to slap Heorhe across the face. He fell face first before the guards grabbed him by his armpit, forcing him to face Tiffany and Blaire.

"You know what you did. And I'll be Damn if I ever let you leave. Bring him to the red room."

The guards nodded. Tiffany and Blaire followed suit as they went to the red room. It's been a while since the red room door are open again. The last time they were in this room, Tiffany had to go to court a few times until proven guilty.

"What are you doing?! Let me go! You can't do this to me! Let me go you fucker!"

The guard strapped George to the chair before they left the room. Blaire takes a seat at one of the armchairs before crossing her legs. George watched as Tiffany kept staring at him without saying anything.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?! Let me go!"

George continued to struggle as he tried to release himself from the strap. Tiffany looks around the table before grabbing a pair of surgical scissors and a scalpel. George's eyes widen when Tiffany takes a chair and places it before him.

"What- what are you doing?! Stop! Stop it!"

Tiffany placed a finger on her lips before smiling at George.

"I just want to know why. Why did you hurt Liliana? That's it. Tell me the truth."

George was about to deny it when Tiffany stabbed his thigh with the scalpel. The room was filled with his agonizing scream as Tiffany continued to move the scalpel back and forth.

"I told you to tell me the truth. Is it that hard to tell me the truth?"

Blaire keeps an eye on her sister as she interrogates George. It's been a few years since she saw her sister this way. Tiffany is the type of person who hides her true feelings rather than expressing them in her facial. This time, Tiffany didn't even bother to hide her expression at all. She smiled when Tiffany grabbed a pair of scissors and proceeded to cut off George's left ear.

"If you refuse to tell me, I'll shove this ear of yours into your mouth. Now, speak."

George glared at Tiffany and said,

"Because she chose you over me. My life is ruined! Why would she have gotten to have a happy ending while I suffered?! That's not fair! It's not fair!"

Tiffany pulled out the scalpel from George's thigh and sighed.

"So that's the only reason for all the trouble you've caused my fiancée? What a dumb reason. Normally, I would just let the police do their job, but in this case, I can't let you go. You've done many shorty things, and it was the last straw when you took away her legs. I can't forgive you."

Tiffany grabbed George's leg before using the scalpel to cut the veins around his ankle. George screamed in pain as she tried to kick Tiffany with his other leg.

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