Chapter 4

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Liliana's PoV

I am speechless throughout the day because of what Janet did. I didn't expect her to bring her boss to the clinic. Even though I didn't see her face properly, I knew she was a tall person with proud stature. But the thing I'm more curious about is how did she make someone like doctor Diana come here with her staff?

I couldn't talk properly whenever doctor Diana asked me about the clinic. I can't find the right words to say. Doctor Diana is a well-known surgeon in the country. I wonder how George will react when I tell him that doctor Diana came to the clinic. The very clinic that George said to be a lost cause.

"Miss Cromwell, do you have some time? I would like to have some words with you." I nodded and led doctor Diana to my office.

"What can I do for you, ma'am?" Doctor Diana chuckled.

"We're both in the same field of work. So there's no need to call me like that. Just call me Diana. Anyway, it seems that my friend is interested in funding your clinic. That is why I'm here, to see if your clinic is worthy of Tiffany's time." I- I don't know what to say.

"I see. What sort of documents do I need to provide you with, ma'am? Oh- I mean, doctor?" Doctor Diana smiled.

"There's no need to provide any documents. I know that private and confidential. All I want to know is why you are adamant about keeping the clinic open. You do realize that you're against a big corporation, right?" I nodded my head.

"I understand they're from a big corporation, but that doesn't mean they could do whatever they want to a small clinic like us. I have a duty to the people who came to this clinic. They couldn't afford to go to big hospitals for treatment. This clinic is their only hope. And I will do whatever I can to protect this establishment." Diana smiled from ear to ear as she listened to my reason.

"I see- your view on things is what I want to hear. Trust me; your resolution will be heard." Diana stood up from her seat.

"You should be hearing some news by next week. For now, you should do whatever you can to protect this clinic. Let Tiffany do all the paperwork necessary." Diana was about to leave when she turned to face me.

"I think I will volunteer at the clinic when I have the time to spare. It's nice to work with someone who has a clear future." Diana smiled before she walked out of my office. Wait, what just happened? Did a top surgeon in the country say she wants to volunteer here, in the clinic?

Is it a dream? If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up from it! This is too good to be true.


The moment I woke up the next morning, I stood in front of my sister's door and waited for her to leave her room. I have a few questions about how she managed to talk to her boss about the clinic.

"Oh, God! Lily! What are you doing in front of my room?" Janet held her chest as she closed the door behind her.

"I want to know how you managed to get your boss to fund the clinic. Isn't she like someone so important that you need an appointment to see her?" Janet chuckled.

"I left the brochure you gave me on my desk, and the picture of children touched her. Yesterday we accidentally met, and she started to ask me about the clinic. That's why I brought her with me. My boss wants to see the clinic in operation." I see. But that doesn't explain why doctor Diana was there yesterday.

"Then how did you get a top surgeon and her staff to come and volunteer at the clinic?" I asked as Janet and I took a seat at the dining table.

"My boss saw how understaffed you were and decided to make some calls. I did not expect for Diana herself to be there. My boss told me that Diana is a friend from school. Why are you asking me this, sister? Did something happen yesterday?" I nodded.

One Afternoon Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora