Chapter 27 - Blackmailed

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Third person PoV

Janet was pouring shots when one of her friends whispered in her ears. Janet glanced up while squinting her eyes when the strobe lights suddenly blinded her for a second.

"Why is she here? She was not invited, right?"

Janet took a shot before making her way toward the uninvited guest. Today was a big day for Janet, and the uninvited guests ruined her night by coming to the party.

"Why are you here? I thought I made it clear that you're not invited. After what you did before, how dare you show yourself here."

The woman sighed before smiling at Janet.

"Why are you so mad? I was just a fling. It's normal for anyone to have a fling. Come on, let bygones be bygones."

Janet looks at her ex-girlfriend, Nia, in disbelief.

"Nia, I don't mind if you have hundreds of flings, but you were with me. We were official when I saw you on the bed with another man. I was only away for a few days, yet you brought another person into our relationship. How is that normal?"

Nia tried to justify her action, but Janet cut her off.

"It might be normal for you to have flings while being exclusive with someone. But I'm not like that. I don't want to share my lover with another person. I love you, but after what you did, my heart has gone numb. Leave, Nia. Leave."

Janet was about to turn her back to Nia when Nia said something which offended her feelings.

"Well, worth the shot. I knew this would happen. Well, there's a lot of fish in the sea. The only reason why I want to be exclusive is because you have a lot of money and you work for Astoria. It's purely for money. Not because I like you. The sex was not even that good."

Janet remained calm as Nia went on her merry way. When Janet returned to where her friend was, she didn't say anything until it was time for her to leave. All she wanted tonight was to have fun. And now it's ruined.

"Janet? Are you home already? It's only eleven o'clock."

Janet ignored her sister and just went to her room. Liliana was surprised by Janet's sudden reaction and decided to go to her sister's room. When Liliana went inside, she saw Janet sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at nothing in particular.

"Nia went to the party. She told me the truth about why she cheated on me. Sister said she only dated me because of money and because I work for Astoria. It hurts me more than I decided to end things with her."

Liliana sat beside her sister and tried to make her feel better.

"Well, it's her loss for losing such an amazing woman. Just think about it this way- it means you're not chained up to a woman who only sees you as a walking ATM. Hey sis, I'm sure someone is out there waiting for you to make a move. Forget about Nia because she doesn't worth your time."

Janet hummed.

"Why don't we go somewhere tomorrow, just the two of us."

Janet finally glanced up at her sister.


Liliana smiled.

"It's a secret. It's Sunday tomorrow, so let's have fun together."


"Shopping? Are you bringing me shopping at the mall? Lily, you know me too well. I do need a few things from the mall."

Liliana smiled as she found her sister more like herself than yesterday.

"Well, today is your lucky day. It's my treat."

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